
Joined: Nov 21 2010


Naruto 5292
Apr 15 2013, 7:19 am
Hey my game is back up so whenever you get this join!

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Thenarutonerd's Favorite Games

[PvP & RP Servers] Explore this expansive recreation of the Ninja World. Endless timeline, immense environment with vast ...
by Bighead278 | Sep 5 2010
A Naruto game based on the original game, Naruto: Grand Online Adventure.
Yes this is a GOA rip
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
Another NNG: Enjoy fast leveling and PVP
by Masterralphy55 | Jun 28 2012
A true leader puts his team before himself..
by 981014 | Nov 14 2011
Naruto New Generation Is Here On Byond!
by Bigj822 | Dec 5 2010
NNFO the hope of naruto lies in you.
1.96 hub restored
The Original NNG
by Utchiha Pisti | Jan 26 2011
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!
by Sindeas | Apr 2 2011
Tags: adventure, ninja, pvp
Naruto Shinobi Warriors, a Byond Classic started with Izou, passed down from Ghost-Nin, to Sindeas, to Shinobi the ...
by Playa_216 | Oct 22 2010
A NNG based naruto game, New updates coming to player and admin alikes.
Awesome Updates! Great Players! Lots of Fun
Currently looking for hoster/Gms/Mods
by Zerdack saiyan | Jul 23 2013
Tags: anime
WOS is one of the oldest GOA rips with faster leveling, much more Jutsu and clans, and fair balanced play. We are ...
by Mav472 | Sep 26 2013
Stay Based, join the discord:
by Davidle123 | Jul 27 2010
Welcome to New Era, where adventure awaits!
by Sonido12 | Feb 29 2012
Good Old ROTU :)

Thenarutonerd's Favorite People