| Snippet with chasing/attacking enemies
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| DWOChat updated majorly. The build-n-chat that started it all.
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| Indeed, Dan and Tom have made a great gaming network. I thank you muchly.
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| i got.. a cake a Manga Ryu-Ran (toon) a Curse of Fiend some japanese card with 1400(or 1500) atk hopefully i'll get a …
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| I didn't. I just thought it was nice that they still hated me like before.
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| ookay..if you want me to go away i guess i will.
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| just droppin in, havent been on byond for a while. anything new happened?
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| i didnt say you had to reply.
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| ff3, beotsch. one word: SETZER. ever notice how some things from ff7 seem to be based off ff3? one example is …
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| NES (4 NES roms) 1. Final Fantasy I 2. Dragon Warrior IV 3. Metroid SNES (uhh..last time i counted it was 17 roms) 1 …
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| dwochat is dead. animechat has replaced it. there is a large rebellion against me. everyone hates me. most of my …
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| If i can get 20 people to post "we want dwochat back" I will continue production
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| RaeKwon has been giving it out he told me he wanted to corrupt your game well I gtg huge T storm WHAT!? GOD DAMNIT …
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| my first game....Chat World it started as something like a board where you choose a forum to chat in and then chat, but …
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| i know thats you, zfighter. talk all you want, doesnt bother me.
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| i was desperate to find a program to make an RPG, so i did a search on google and i found Build Your Own Net Dream, and …
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| please donate to me 1 BYONDime so i can sub to both tanks and star traders, if you dont want to thats fine with me, …
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| *pun taken from the sims' manual (this does not apply to games that dont allow html. dont blame me.) When showing HTML …
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| 11, born october 9, 1990.
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| soarinkiller tries to add NWH_Alfa to his banned keys list, but it does nothing, then he tried NWH_Alfa[space], still …
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| Dantom, what would you say to a flooder that threatened to hack and nuke the server just because we wouldnt give him …
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