The Metal Man

Joined: May 14 2010

Medals The Metal Man has earned in his favorite games

[Any games] [Medals left to earn]

Naruto: Next Generation


Pass the Genin exam

Earned on Jun 9 2015, 12:41 pm


Be promoted to Jounin

Earned on Jun 9 2015, 9:53 pm


Fairy Tail: Old

Alpha Tester

Played the game in Early Stages.

Earned on Mar 29 2014, 9:58 am


Final Fight

Rock Ninja

You have started out as a Rock Ninja.

Earned on Jul 26 2011, 5:27 pm

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Jul 26 2011, 6:14 pm

Rain Ninja

You have started out as a Rain Ninja.

Earned on Jul 28 2011, 5:44 pm

Leaf Ninja

You have started out as a Leaf Ninja.

Earned on Jul 29 2011, 4:48 pm


Dude, they're dead! Stop attacking!

Earned on Jul 29 2011, 7:00 pm

This Guy Is Tough!

Survive a Desert Burial!

Earned on Aug 17 2011, 10:46 am