| Squeegy wrote: > Taming, wild animals, and outside areas. Got those. The game will take place in an entire …
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| I was refering to the fact that is no one cares about your fan game you wont get police busting down your door to send …
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| D4RK3 54B3R wrote: > And here's a separate question for you. What the heck is Massively supposed to mean anyway? What's …
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| Actually, the names of techniques sound totally stupid in English. Most places incorrectly translate them. An example …
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| Foomer wrote: > You know, something that's really starting to irk me is people on this forum who nitpick every little …
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| Hellor or something like that. I've been away for a bit due to various things (break, new computer, new job …
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| Bahahaha. And exactly what other ISP will you use if your internet becomes metered? That other ISP... Which also has a …
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| He is right about one thing. Combat in WoW sucks, badly. It is boring and horribly unbalanced. I could go on and on, …
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| Bootyboy wrote: > I can understand folks trying to hide agendas... that's fine, that's part of life. But dude, if …
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| I am not sure how you would define "power at a language level", but Game Maker csn everything BYOND can and a whole lot …
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| I have a 9600GT, which there is drivers for Linux that support it on the NVidia website. Maybe it is just me, but …
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| First name: Gareth Age: 20 Average amount of sleep on Weekday: 1-8 Average amount of sleep on Weekend: 1-20 Do you …
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| Nah, that is the BYOND community (and it usually comes with some sort of "you suck too much" or "ou'll never be good …
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| Chris-g1 wrote: > so basically your saying take time in your work, dont rip and byond anime will be better... not the …
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| 1024x768 is the most common screen resolution in use. But using an aspect ratio of 4:3 is enough (which is probably the …
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| Yash 69 wrote: > Nash_M1V3P wrote: > > Any rip should be under 5/10. Stealing someones work isn't something you …
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| This. Though it might seem cool to add day and night and make certain things happen only at certain times it is …
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| Popisfizzy wrote: > Your system sounds like an over-compliated Elder Scrolls-style system. Basically it is similar …
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| IcewarriorX wrote: > ASCII fails. Naw. It is graphics that fail, epicly at that. Also, funny thing is that my game …
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| Maximus_Alex2003 wrote: > Oh sorry for lots of posts, your list doesn't have Byond's Greatest RPG maker ... > GodlyHell …
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| Hmm... Well the game I am working on is not a Roguelike so to say, but is heavily influenced by the genre. It is more …
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| Honestly, I doubt those figures are correct at all. Take some of the OC connection speeds, which are insane and often …
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| Depends on the type of game. In rolepaying games it can be a bit annoying and entirely useless. But in games were the …
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| Ugh... I don't know! Maybe it is all the really crappy driving missions or the DISCONNECTED FROM MULTIPLAYER message I …
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| Haha, I also have another, futuristic version of that game too. Instead of zombies it is aliens, and weapons include …
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| Basically I need some people to test stuff for me. Either download and run this …
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| Foomer wrote: > On the other hand, according to poll results the ninja would win. Probably because they're "cooler". …
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| Testicular tortion, BY FAR. I know someone who has been shot by a handgun before, around the stomache area. He has …
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| That is strange! I just downloaded and tried it on my computer, and it worked fine for me. Anyway, …
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| Ss4toby wrote: > Well, you see. When I first started BYOND at the age of twelve I had no ideal how to code. I remember …
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| Or else you get punched through a WALL D:<<<< Anyway yeah, in the middle of creating a game and a lot of the frame work …
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| Defence is capped at 90, though most players will never get more than 40-50 without magical means, and getting 90 …
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| I'm not saying that website is bad, but if you want to donate rice to charity it is much, much quicker and cheaper to …
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| I CAN SEE INFINITY! Or in this case the "solution" that bio-fuel is suppose to provide. Make food into fuel, let …
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| If there ever was a zombie apocalypse there is a 150% chance that I would have caused it, and would be the one …
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| I've seen a lot of really bad reviews on BYOND just recently. You get people saying "this game: 0/10, would not feed it …
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| DeathHyren wrote: > > Ok, so you just sat there and proved my point that this review is biased. Once again, you …
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| Nishiatsu wrote: > Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann>One Piece Gurren Lagann is like a bad rip off of Gunbuster. It has …
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| At the moment the game I am making can be played strictly as a single player game, but it should work just as well as a …
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| He is right. Technically using RPG Maker graphics with anything but RPG Maker (which you have bought, legally) is …
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| [ ] Good [ ] Free [ ] MMO Pick two, because that is what the game will be. (Good, free MMORPGs don't exists, hell I'd …
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| I'll let you in on a little secret. Just learning a programming language isn't enough to qualify you to make a decent …
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| Not really the place to discuss this but, Game Maker 7 can very easily do pretty effects if you know how …
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| Danial.Beta wrote: > As I understand it, Chavs are closer to punks or "gang members"(I use quotes because I feel most …
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| Traztx wrote: > Runescape is like that, except not only do you need all those steps but simpler steps repeated over …
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| This is probably the reason I am not too fond of jRPGs like Final Fantasy :[ Though I don't mind a good story I would …
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Apr 24 2014, 7:07 am