The Infamous Gamer

Joined: Jan 25 2008

Medals The Infamous Gamer can earn in his favorite games, and all games in which The Infamous Gamer has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]

Universe of Comics

Board Executive

You are one of the Seven Deadly Sins!

Ruler of Tamaran

You have achieved the rank: Ruler of Tamaran!

Priest/ess of Azarath

You have claimed the title of Priest or Priestess of Azarath!

Dark Witch

You have experimented in Black Magick!

Rebirth of Magic

Class 6

Reached the highest class available to players

Potion Master

Achieved potion level 10

The Triad

Obtained the rank "Triad"

The Source of all Evil

Obtained the rank "The Source"


Obtained the rank "Charmed One"

The Elder

Obtained the rank "Elder"

The Trial Master

Managed to pass all trials of the market and obtained a reward