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| For the past 4 years or so I've been working with Dark BASIC Pro, a 3D programming engine, after I left BYOND. I had …
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| All of the daynight cycles Ive seen around byond work basically the same, create a black dotted overlay and overlay it …
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| This isn't difficult or anything, its just an effect I came up with for my project that adds a bit of a better feel for …
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| Not sure if anyone remembers me, I was an avid BYONDer a few years back but moved onto higher programming, just came …
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| How about a new add-on to byond that alerts the owner of any of their forums when a new post has been placed, they …
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| I reallllly want to download byond on the school computers, anyone know any good ways of hiding the byond program so …
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| I thought of this idea, everyone has seen those beat detector thingies that has a line and goes higher and lower …
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| Ever wanted a place to just ask eachother for answeres about homework? Now you can and its made easy with the dynamic …
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| Everyone has seen at least 1 (I say 1 but im betting probably 100s for most) hub entry that dov esn't have a Download …
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| Wondering if (unless this is already created or something similar to it) the great staff at byond could add a built-in …
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| Well once again Im back into Splinter Cell for the X-Box, online, (Ow I just got bit by a damn mosquito as Im typing), …
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| In the recent deletings of the hub entries (I completely understand and am not complaining) I recal the note that demos …
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| I know some of you (and for sure myself, I had a lot of junk out there) have deleted their useless entries and saved …
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| DC v1.3 makes math homework a cinch any day!
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| Just wondering if anyone has heard of or seen the movie Tron, and if so, if they liked and and what they liked about it.
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| Dodge your opponent's beams of light, be the last one standing to win!
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| I know this is possible on the pager but I was wondering if one of the BYONDstaff would concider adding a Status check …
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| Nice job updating the site for the NFL, congrats', it looks awesome. But I don't remember this being done before, Dan …
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| Alright, it has come to my attention that whenever someone bumps a post that isn't a day old or at least, I think it is …
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| If I am going to post a question about HTML coding would it belong here, in Q and A, or in code problems? Seeing as it …
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| A long time ago, before byond's big Site Change, I asked how people were making their own websites using byond …
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| After checking out the byond store recently I saw a post by...I forget who, sorry for whoever came up with this, I …
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| Rotate the entire map with ease.
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| I just got Dark Basic Pro and am beginning to become familiar with it. If anyone out there knows how to use it( I …
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| Im using a series of alerts() before logging into my game-im sure most of you are fluent with alerts- and I was just …
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| Well I just got X box Live for christmas and am really excited. ( If any there are any X-Box haters and PS2-or whatever …
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| Hey fellow byonders, long time no see. Well its my last year at public school and next year will be a fresh new …
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| Just a suggestion, but this would probably solve a lot of problems. Why not make a link on the sidebar called something …
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| Lately I have been playing some very addictive games, 2 of them are habbo hotel and coke music. Does anyone know about …
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| Ok, well, about 2 months ago or so there was talk about that SUPER COMPETITION, I entered and all. But I realized my …
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| Ok, I was doing some searches, I wanted to see what would come up if I searched BYOND on Google. I thought maybe some …
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| Ok, I never knew this, are BYOND dimes real money or fake? Are they something you earn on the website or something? …
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| Ok, I decided to release one of my games, just a demo of one, so that my friends and I could test out my battle system …
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| I know that when using a mouse you can use the Click() proc and DblClick() proc. But I was wondering is there any other …
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