
Joined: Apr 10 2012

ThanatosxD's Games
Dragon Ball Legendary
The beginning stages of the most realistic, interactive, complex and stable role-playing and PvP dragon ball game. *Help Needed*
Re: About Dragon Ball Legendary
Mystic Journey
An actively developing MJ partner! Campaign across a vast world offering plenty of critters to bash and items to collect. Make friends, form alliances, and dare to taste the pastries of success.
Update v501.03-v501.11
Omega Mall: Sequel
Welcome to the mall of all malls, OMEGA MALL! In This game you can create an empire or just work for someone and help them create there empire. Its completely up to you!
Re: About Omega Mall: Sequel
ThanatosxD's Libraries
Large Numbers
A simple lib that accurately does math for larger and smaller numbers, with decimals or without, negative or positive, and never reaches infinity.
About Large Numbers