| Don't worry, there is a school that can help you with these things. Git R Done!
5 |
97 |
| Great, how do I get there? <_<
3 |
| For future documentation.. Rednecks are not racist against countries. Just Nigros, Mexican Americans, and Rag Heads. :o …
23 |
| Who the fuck is Brett Lenon? <_< @ (Love Farm Girl!)
12 |
| Ah, but I changed the subject to an Arkansan storm. :\
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| Can't we all just be emos? :( Git R Done!
8 |
37 |
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11 |
| Congratulations, though for me it wouldn't make a diffrence if I went to the three room SEARK college or Havard. I …
6 |
| Now dance. :) Git R Done!
4 |
| The textman salutes you with the italic text. Salute. Now, lets share the fried nautilus tentacles over a hot plate …
32 |
| Yah, Ha ha Git Er Done, son! ~.txt
15 |
| 01001101 01101000 01110010 01101101 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 …
35 |
| So Scoobert has a new lap top... *opens a file with Scoobert's picture on the cover and begins writing.* Git R Done!
5 |
| Chemical Reactions is teh fiction. We're all really just sprites in a cool video game.
17 |
12 |
| Sweet, you're mailing out ribbons. ^^
3 |
| Hahaha, owned. h8 Steelers too, however.
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3 |
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8 |
| Congradulations! As of the 13th I had a key on BYOND for five years. :) Git -R- Done
10 |
| Yar, and Texter! Wait.. *sigh* I missed it. :(
12 |
| I am going to bask in Elation's immune system! Several redneck hookers will follow! Git -R- Done, White Blood …
6 |
| Ah, this reminds me of the time I went to the shell station. I thought to myself, "Let there be a five dollar bill …
7 |
| I have a huge dislike for Dominos. Mazzios is the only way to go here. :)
20 |
| Want to drink legally? Go to England! :)
22 |
| I have always been a fan of apache.
6 |
| GL working on Pixel Step and Collision? I am also for my "X'Purts" project. Have fun. Git-R-Done! ~Texter
3 |
| I did this one just yesterday, I got the same result and feel that I am ready for marriage. Who's it t' be?
10 |
| Never. I never had a hamburger. Disgusting looking things with a bad odor.
8 |
| Git-R-Done! This reminds me of an old split-splat infestation of nautilus in my kitchen. Crazy creatures emptied my …
13 |
12 |
| Arkansas 10.5% Only because I live there and kittens are counted on that ratio. Silly urinating kitties. Git …
26 |
10 |
| So frilly boy found somthing to live for? Cheers! Git "her" Done! ~Text
23 |
| I love the series. Though first I wondered "how the hell can you replaced MacGuyver?" Mitchell was a good addittion to …
6 |
25 |
| Let us make up a new song about spwatter gnome!
4 |
| Ahh, faithful Acebloke is fasting. Git "R" Done, Ace!
4 |
| Nothing would happen after I pressed space, alas I couldn't get past the start screen. :\
12 |
| EMO, of a diffrent sorts this time... <_< Git "R" Done anywho. ~Text
9 |
| I never liked his music, I can't stand songs with with people that sing in such a high tone.
9 |
4 |
| I want my splatter-back splatter-back splatter-back, I want my splatter-back splatter-back splatter-back. Splatty! …
3 |
Dec 7 2023, 2:08 am
Sinetta Lockspin#6725
[email protected]