
Joined: Apr 30 2010



Sep 25 2011, 6:33 am
I've done your CSS
Sep 8 2011, 10:53 am
Hope your happy i need to fix a lil the blog comment but i will soon :)
Jun 24 2011, 11:31 am

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Medals Taoren22 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Pokémon Online World


Earned on Jul 17 2018, 3:46 am


Heroes United 2


Login to the Game

Earned on Feb 1 2015, 4:18 pm


Tales of Judgement R

{Old} Beta Tester

Play The Game While in Beta Testing {Old}

Earned on Sep 5 2014, 6:26 pm


Bleach: World-Wide Adventures

Pimp Slapped

You have been killed by a GM

Earned on Aug 9 2014, 8:37 pm


Dragonball Z: Immortal Damnation


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Jun 18 2014, 5:56 pm


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Jun 18 2014, 5:57 pm


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Jun 18 2014, 6:01 pm


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Jun 18 2014, 6:08 pm


Dragonball WWA

Saiyan Trainers

Complete the Tutorial

Earned on May 29 2014, 1:11 pm

Z-Fighters Take A Stand

Complete the 2nd Story Mission

Earned on May 29 2014, 1:14 pm

Great Ape Prowess

Complete the 3rd Story Mission

Earned on May 29 2014, 1:21 pm

Vegeta Falls

Complete the 4th Story Mission

Earned on May 29 2014, 1:23 pm

Breaking Out!

Complete the 5th Story Mission

Earned on May 29 2014, 1:26 pm


Anime Clash : Universal War

The Adventure Begins

Join and make a new Character

Earned on May 18 2014, 11:03 am


The Olympians


Learned your Godly Heritage.

Earned on Feb 12 2014, 2:15 pm

Alpha Tester

You were among a select few to be chosen for Alpha Testing.

Earned on Feb 12 2014, 2:15 pm


Naruto Supreme Chaos

Broke Ninja

Have less than 100 Yen

Earned on Nov 13 2013, 1:17 pm


Sword Art Online

You got Nerve.

You put on the Nervegear and enter SAO!

Earned on Oct 5 2013, 6:47 am


Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn: Shinuki No Taiketsu!


Earned on Sep 25 2013, 10:30 am

No Good

Die 10 Times

Earned on Sep 25 2013, 10:49 am

A Born Hitman!

Obtain 10 Kills

Earned on Sep 25 2013, 10:55 am

Vongola Super Intuition

Gain 30 Vongola Kills

Earned on Dec 13 2013, 3:42 pm


Naruto : Clash Of Ninja Storms

Curse Seal

Activate Curse Seal for the first time

Earned on Jul 23 2013, 1:57 pm


Earn Chunin Rank

Earned on Jul 23 2013, 2:05 pm


Earn Jounin Rank

Earned on Jul 23 2013, 2:06 pm

The Elite

Learn your 6th Clan Jutsu

Earned on Jul 24 2013, 2:25 pm


Betray Your village

Earned on Sep 27 2013, 6:10 pm

Village Leader

Become the Leader of your village

Earned on Sep 27 2013, 8:25 pm

Jinchuuriki Destiny

Take on the destiny of a Jinchuuriki

Earned on Oct 5 2013, 11:09 am

Mangekyou Sharingan

Earn Mangekyou Sharingan

Earned on Oct 6 2013, 10:14 am


Become A Legendary Sennin

Earned on Oct 31 2013, 7:18 pm


Become Sound5

Earned on Nov 8 2013, 11:09 am

Take Over The World


Earned on Nov 28 2013, 5:31 am



Popgun Pulverizer

Get your hands dirty.

Earned on May 26 2012, 5:57 pm


Bleach World


Congratz on getting Shinigami race!

Earned on Mar 31 2012, 4:34 am

Shunpo Master

You are truly a master of the Shunpo!

Earned on Mar 31 2012, 10:13 am


Rise Of The Uchiha


Betray Your Village

Earned on Mar 1 2012, 11:59 am


Earn Genin Rank

Earned on Mar 1 2012, 12:05 pm

Village Leader

Become The Leader Of Your Village

Earned on Mar 3 2012, 3:22 pm

The Elite

Learn your 6th Clan Jutsu

Earned on Mar 3 2012, 4:57 pm


Learn your 7th Clan Jutsu

Earned on Mar 5 2012, 12:44 pm


Earn Chunin Rank

Earned on Mar 6 2012, 11:35 am


Earn Jounin Rank

Earned on Mar 6 2012, 11:35 am


Earn ANBU Rank

Earned on Mar 9 2012, 3:37 pm


Earn Sannin Rank

Earned on Mar 9 2012, 3:38 pm

Naruto New Generation


Become a Genin

Earned on Feb 20 2012, 5:30 am


Naruto VS

Enter the Fray

Fight your very first match.

Earned on Jan 21 2012, 9:25 am


Win on the first match you fight.

Earned on Jan 21 2012, 9:26 am


Win a match.

Earned on Jan 21 2012, 9:26 am

Hat Trick

Win three fights in a row.

Earned on Jan 21 2012, 12:40 pm


Harry Potter: The Wizards' Chronicles

Bassy Attacks!

Earned on Nov 13 2011, 10:30 am


Naruto The Ninja World

Enter the Ninja

You've entered your first stage to becoming a ninja. Enjoy the road there!

Earned on Oct 1 2011, 1:12 pm


Bleach: Oblivion Crusade


You have found one of the mystery medals.Can you find the rest?

Earned on Jul 29 2011, 10:40 am


Witches' Chess

Twisted Logic

In Witches' Chess, avoid Checkmate 5 times in one game.

Earned on Jul 13 2011, 6:45 pm

The Blue Truth

Defeat a Witch without using any magic.

Earned on Jul 14 2011, 6:05 am

Oblivious Ruler

Win a game without moving or capturing a piece with your king.

Earned on Jul 14 2011, 6:05 am

All In The Family

In Witches' Chess, cast 'Familicide' on one of your pawns.

Earned on Jul 15 2011, 3:14 pm

Only One Way Out

Capture a piece with a pawn in the a or h rows of the board.

Earned on Jul 15 2011, 5:44 pm

Devil's Proof

In Witches' Chess, capture a piece hidden by a 'Fake Corpse' spell.

Earned on Jul 16 2011, 10:46 am

Just A Flesh Wound

In Witches' Chess, while playing Black, prevent the capture of a Knight with 'Fake Corpse'.

Earned on Jul 17 2011, 1:03 pm

En Urfasse

Capture a pawn using the en passant rule.

Earned on Aug 2 2011, 2:02 pm

Riches To Rags

In Witches' Chess, have your Queen become the victim of an opponent's 'True Isolation' spell.

Earned on Aug 2 2011, 8:26 pm

Entirely Pointless

In Witches' Chess, have one of your pawns become victim to the 'True Isolation' spell of an opponent.

Earned on Aug 3 2011, 12:44 pm

Now You're Thinking With Portals

In Witches' Chess, cast the 'Teleportation' spell on a single piece three times in one game.

Earned on Aug 4 2011, 2:24 pm


Have your Queen get captured by a pawn.

Earned on Aug 6 2011, 7:33 pm

French Defense

Resign a total of 10 times.

Earned on Aug 10 2011, 2:12 pm

Pawn Poacher

In Witches' Chess, after 'Traitor' is cast, be in control of 9 or more pawns.

Earned on Oct 22 2011, 1:29 pm

That's My Horse

Capture a Knight with a Knight.

Earned on Oct 23 2011, 10:57 am

Bleach: Life and Death 2


Congratz on getting Shinigami race!

Earned on Jul 8 2011, 6:03 am


You have achieved Bankai!

Earned on Jul 8 2011, 6:25 am


Heroes United

BYOND Member

Have an active BYOND Membership

Earned on Jul 5 2011, 6:24 am

Been There, Done That

Login to the Game

Earned on Jul 22 2011, 11:50 am


Have an active SG Subscription

Earned on Jul 22 2011, 11:51 am


Its the Taking Part that Counts

Simply join or start a Wargames server to receive your first medal [E]

Earned on Apr 21 2011, 5:14 am


Final Fight

Leaf Ninja

You have started out as a Leaf Ninja.

Earned on Apr 9 2011, 5:15 pm