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| I know that the vast majority of the games here doesn't use Mysql to save or load his data but on my game i'm using …
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| Hi guys, i just decided to share the most recent build of the game with you. It has a lot of bugs, but it is on a …
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| The suggestion is simple, but i don't know if its feasible. I suggest a new vis_flag, to make an object on vis_content …
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| The first and only BYOND soccer game !
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| Server is online now due to stability test. If you want to see what have been made until now, just connect on the hud …
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| Good night guys ! I have just finished the "Create a Room" and "Join a Room" function (screenshots in the hud). Looking …
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| Hi guys i'm here today to share another resource that I will not use anymore. I hope this helps you ! Human Base : …
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| Hi guys, i need help. What is your opinion about my weather graphics ? is that good ? If no, how can I improve ? Snow : …
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| Hi guys =D i'm here to share a resource of a prototype game that i have made and will not use anymore. Some Player …
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Oct 25 2015, 2:08 pm
JeffreyRedding.2 Idk if your working on anything atm but I like your art I was wondering if your interested in a proposition.