| MY Fellow Byondorians, Byondians, Byondans, Byondinians, Byondithals, Byonding Idiots, BYONDers, Byondicans and …
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| Well, I am reading a book called Twilight. I saw all my friends (girls of course) reading it so I thought I would …
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| Would you consider it abusing powers if a Admin, bans you for NOT breaking the rules. Considering NOT Breaking the …
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| Well, to start my new blog posting season, I wanted to thank one person, myself, I posted all this, and I want to …
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| Incase you havn't noticed, my place has changed a little bit. Don't ask why, as I am sure people already will. No more? …
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| Aww dang, only got a bit left.
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| come on and play desert defender, on Goose's server.
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| note, mega post for me has been made, read down.
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| woah, So i needed to post something, Hmm waht should it be.
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| Who's line is it anyways? Simpsons family guy american dad And, if you can name the category i can make something for …
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| about caring about what i post in my blog becouse it cares about what you care about and how it cares about me.
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| First of all, I was eating chinese food. And when I opened my fortune cookie, it said," You should enhance your …
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| I might add it, to my list, of the stuff, i can download. dun dun dun dund und udn dun dun
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| I need to get a picture to be my backround. how do i do this. here is the link to the picture …
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| I will now begin my working period of a while, while i am working i aient no one to be dumb couse if you is then you is …
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| In a town of JErsey fighting villains from the far, You gotta find first gear in your giant robot caaaaar, You dig …
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| boom boom boom bobobobobobobboom boom booom.
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| I am running out of ideas.
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| So, LRS is number 2. yeah, an sieka is number 1.5 Come on and help LRS
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| So I was just thinking, if i super heated glue and made little airsoft beebee's I could glue people to stuff. Ok it is …
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| My gosh, I just relised that, Brick land. Sement blocking land. WooHoo!
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| TM THE ULTIMATE POST. So, Today i will visit all of the games I like to play and I will rate them, BADABING FIRST UP …
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| I am going snowboarding Tonight so you can either leave me a message here or on my pager. Bye.
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| So I just Subscribed and stuff. It cool, I get this site and stuff, but don't be Hate'n.
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