| In my post Some way to validate proc refs, Lummox said: > hascall() always works with proc names, not proc references I …
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| A much easier suggestion to implement would be a keyword that evaluates to the implied type at compile time, which you …
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| I keep farting around and trying to make libraries for byond that nobody will ever use, and one of the ones I keep …
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| I agree with this idea. Architecturally sometimes you want to grant/deny access to verbs in a packaged set; you can …
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| Lummox JR wrote: > Nope. Let's say the var definition routine comes back with a flag that says it's a weak reference …
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| Would it be feasible to only allow the syntax on typed variables in scope, eg, not allowing it to be used on untyped …
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| The difference with non-supplied arguments is when they have defaults: proc/myproc(var/a="a",var/ b="b",var/c="c") …
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| Fixed, sorry, I don't know why it did that
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| I will not be surprised if the idea is ultimately rejected, it is a minor quibble compared to the work that would be …
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