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As promised, I finished my Lego Voltron upgrades by assembling the final lion...
I think it still needs a bit of work, but for lack of time and the proper pieces, I'll call this the finished product...
He weighs in at almost exactly 5 pounds, and stands somewhere between 1-2 feet high (in the shots of the assembled Voltron, you can see one with a regular size Lego minifig standing down between his feet for scale demonstration)
Assembled, he has extremely limited articulation... Due to the weight of the appendages, and lack of any joints strong enough to hold them in any position other than standing with arms down, he's not very posable...
He does have the ability to swing his arms at the shoulders, but again, they can't hold themselves up... His elbows also bend (as seen in the shot of the Green Lion "sitting"), but that doesn't do much good without the aforementioned arm movement... His wrists also turn (at the necks of the lions), and his "fists" can come off as in the show... He can bend over at the hips (one time, he did so violently, and crashed right down on his head...lol), but not at the knees (yet)...
Past that, he's basically a (somewhat unstable) statue when fully assembled... But no matter, I don't intend on playing with him too often...lol
I'd build him his blazing sword, but I'm not sure I have enough gray plates to do so... We'll see...
Again, the old version can be found here