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As promised, I finished my Lego Voltron upgrades by assembling the final lion...

I think it still needs a bit of work, but for lack of time and the proper pieces, I'll call this the finished product...

He weighs in at almost exactly 5 pounds, and stands somewhere between 1-2 feet high (in the shots of the assembled Voltron, you can see one with a regular size Lego minifig standing down between his feet for scale demonstration)

Assembled, he has extremely limited articulation... Due to the weight of the appendages, and lack of any joints strong enough to hold them in any position other than standing with arms down, he's not very posable...

He does have the ability to swing his arms at the shoulders, but again, they can't hold themselves up... His elbows also bend (as seen in the shot of the Green Lion "sitting"), but that doesn't do much good without the aforementioned arm movement... His wrists also turn (at the necks of the lions), and his "fists" can come off as in the show... He can bend over at the hips (one time, he did so violently, and crashed right down on his, but not at the knees (yet)...

Past that, he's basically a (somewhat unstable) statue when fully assembled... But no matter, I don't intend on playing with him too

I'd build him his blazing sword, but I'm not sure I have enough gray plates to do so... We'll see...

Again, the old version can be found here
holy moly, thats intense
how long you been workig on that
Wow, sweet. That's an impressive amount of detail for that size. You've got it all right without making it gigantic.

The best thing I ever did with my LEGO was construct a massive moon fortress. It had huge walls (about 2 foot), a giant gate that pretty much all my ships could enter through, laser turret nests on both sides of the gates (inside and out), laser turret nests that could be repositioned inside the perimeter, several landing areas, a missile silo, a general purpose base, a few patrol ships, a few larger assault ships, a giant robot and a full staff.
It also had a lot of detail. Computer consoles on the gates. The larger nests all had communications equipment (ie, a computer console with an antenna on it =P).
Of course, the good guys only had like ten small ships and two or three larger cruisers. Unlike the badguys they had a proper ground force but it was still very one sided. =P
The only problem was that I didn't have enough spare black bricks that I could make the walls as thick as they should have been. I had to make them thin with balconies at the top and in the middle. Even with the extremely stable surface I had the walls would collapse all the time.
In retrospect I could have just made the wall half as tall, built a shell of black, then filled the inside with all the spare colored blocks. If I remember correctly the only reason why the wall was so tall was because I build the gate first.

No one ever knew what to buy me when they were looking for presents. By the time I was six it was clear that if you brought me space LEGO you were fine. Up until I was about fifteen I was still getting it every Christmas/Birthday.
They're still clueless as to what I want. I really should drop hints towards that LEGO Batcave, or maybe a couple of ssweet LEGO Star Destroyers.

The strange part is that all these years later I could reassemble it blindfolded if I didn't give most of the non-kit stuff away.

Heh, LEGO is the number one reason I can't wait to have kids. I really, really hope they like this stuff or I'm screwed.
Thanks, guys!


Well, I started the original version way back in 1998, actually... That's the year that they first started selling Lego buckets with green bricks...

I had wanted to build him for much longer than that, but up until then green bricks were extremely rare (usually only found in large "plates" or specialty pieces, like trees and such)

So as soon as the green bricks came out in the regular sets, I bought a bunch up, and got to work...

I don't quite remember when I finished the first version (which can be seen at ), but I'm sure it took me quite a while...

Since then, he's been packed away in an empty Lego tub, and earlier this year I decided to get him out and improve him... This is the result...

A couple of star Wars sets had be to sacrificed to him (an X-Wing, a Y-Wing, and Darth Vader's TIE fighter), and I even had to order some parts online (20 of the gray hinges; one for each of the legs)

I really don't know how much total time I was actually working on him, though...


I sort of view Lego building as a cross between sculpting and pixel art (two of my other hobbies), and the same tricks that can be used in cramming detail into a small number of pixels can be applied with Lego to an extent...

That moon base sounds cool! I've got a bunch of ships and mechs that I envision residing on a lunar base, but my "base" is only a set of small buildings and open areas (which I rationalize as having force field coverings to enclose

My childhood sounds similar to that, too... When in doubt, it was always safe to buy me a Lego set... Heck, one of my very first purchases with my own money was a little $4 space Lego set (a small gray lunar rover with the old yellow space fig) I still even have most (if not all) of the pieces to it!

Some of my Lego bricks are so old that they're yellowing and all full of scratches...

Lego and I have a long
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Thanks, guys!


Well, I started the original version way back in 1998, actually... That's the year that they first started selling Lego buckets with green bricks...

I had wanted to build him for much longer than that, but up until then green bricks were extremely rare (usually only found in large "plates" or specialty pieces, like trees and such)

So as soon as the green bricks came out in the regular sets, I bought a bunch up, and got to work...

I don't quite remember when I finished the first version (which can be seen at ), but I'm sure it took me quite a while...

Since then, he's been packed away in an empty Lego tub, and earlier this year I decided to get him out and improve him... This is the result...

A couple of star Wars sets had be to sacrificed to him (an X-Wing, a Y-Wing, and Darth Vader's TIE fighter), and I even had to order some parts online (20 of the gray hinges; one for each of the legs)

I really don't know how much total time I was actually working on him, though...


I sort of view Lego building as a cross between sculpting and pixel art (two of my other hobbies), and the same tricks that can be used in cramming detail into a small number of pixels can be applied with Lego to an extent...

That moon base sounds cool! I've got a bunch of ships and mechs that I envision residing on a lunar base, but my "base" is only a set of small buildings and open areas (which I rationalize as having force field coverings to enclose

My childhood sounds similar to that, too... When in doubt, it was always safe to buy me a Lego set... Heck, one of my very first purchases with my own money was a little $4 space Lego set (a small gray lunar rover with the old yellow space fig) I still even have most (if not all) of the pieces to it!

Some of my Lego bricks are so old that they're yellowing and all full of scratches...

Lego and I have a long

if i were you id sell it on ebay for a high price
Hell no! lol

That'd be like selling a child...