| What ever happened to Nadrew he used to talk on the forums all the time but I haven't seen him here for months.
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| Ok, Scoobert I got a question for you. Akira made DBZ and he makes more money by making a weeks worth of DBZ episodes …
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| ~.~ o.O O.o 0.o o.0 O.0 0.O etc...
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| Sariat wrote: > What will it do? (the conscious stat) and is a player stat? Ya and like if it gets to high YOu can like …
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| Ya, I tried that with changing an icon state but it didn't work.
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| If you look in the hub right now there are 8 dragon ball zeta's being hosted this is getting out of control...
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| So You Don't Like This Right Now What I'm Doing Right At This Exact Moment In Time? Recet Lol, just kidding. :)
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| Nadrew I'm sorry for all the times I acted like a jack-off. If you don't understand it's ok. But I'll never …
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| Geeze I'm sorry I said anything...
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| heres an AFK verb mob/var/isafk=0 mob/verb/AFK() set category="Social" if(usr.isafk==0) Save(usr) usr.isafk=1 …
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| Give me an idea and I'll do it.
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