| Some things never change :)
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| Ha, yeah I liked Die Hard 4... I had a blast with the original Duke Nukem, and seeing it all updated would be awesome …
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| I've heard mixed reviews for AC and Mass Effect also.
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| Out of 10? It all depends on what kind of gamer you are... If you are a fan of Halo, and only Halo... Then I would …
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| Cheetoz wrote: > I'm not a Colts fan. I'm a Cowboy. ;) I see why you would hate the patriots even if you didn't know …
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| Well I just got done reading the AC thread and searched back a few pages and did not noticed a ME thread. They both …
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| I was pretty absent for the past 2-3 years, but have surfaced recently. Not doing much. Just hosting Skysaw's game "My …
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| Foomer wrote: > Tom wouldn't be much use because he's not very good with DM. :) Yeah...I heard he was a nub. Whatever …
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| I agree with Foomer. A single player game that is fun would be cool...It takes a bit to attract for a single player …
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| They are both white... The Elite is black. You can tell the difference between the core, and the premium from the drive …
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| WarLin wrote: > You have to pay money to get avatars?! GOOD GOD MICROSOFT! Making them pay for their service is bad …
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| I know there are still quite a few people around here who were/are fans of MLAAS back when it was up and running …
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| Yeah it is illegal, but only the first initial store is the one fined. Toys R Us were the retailer who first did it. I …
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| I think its awesome. Love the atmosphere. It gives me the creeps like Space Tug did...just under water =P Always on the …
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| I'm not sure if anyone is a fan, but David Lee Roth is reuniting with Van Halen for a tour and the dates were just …
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| Alright, I am not sure if I should even be here asking this question, but I know there is a fair share of adults in the …
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| I'll use my minions for everything most of the time, and help them out, especially on trolls and stuff. I'll attack a …
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| prepaidlegal.com/hub/ derikabel
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| Hm, thanks Nadrew. I was assuming that was the case, but I wanted to be 100% sure. You should message me sometime …
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| Are you on AIM anymore or what? Contact me you hooligan
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| Well of course. A night stocker probably isn't his career and is just a temporary money maker. Maybe it isn't, but its …
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| I'm more of a GoW player and fan, but I do enjoy halo to a certain point. It does look fun, and I will buy Halo 3 no …
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| I have Crackdown. havn't played it in a while. I need the rest of the hidden orbs...have all the agility. I have Gears …
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| Knifo...contact me via e-mail at [email protected]. That is the e-mail for my MSN messenger also, or my AIM is Omega …
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| Oh man that was great. That guy is a genius. I used to go to the mall with my gf after first playing htat game and …
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| This is for any of the older folk of the BYOND community. It is a pretty awesome company that I've recently jumped into …
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| If your still in this situation here in the next week or two, e-mail me at [email protected]. I have something that may …
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| People who buy Crackdown for the beta are just idiots and major halo fanatics. Your paying 60 dollars for a beta. It is …
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| Naa, the NFL isn't rigged... GO COLTS! I like the Bears...but their QB can't compete with Manning. Its like a dad …
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| All you need is Gears of War :)...but wait if you have a PS3 you can't play Gears of War...thats to bad.
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| Retsuma wrote: > The more i see/learn about the PS3 the more the price feels just right. > > Backwards compatible with …
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| Dead_Demon wrote: > Where does everybody get the idea that I am talking about the PS3!? > Gah! THE WII, PEOPLE. THE …
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| Xaunux wrote: > Well, You ppl made my mind up, when I get the PS3, im putting it on ebay.. >.> So I'm assuming you have …
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| Alright, lets drop the money. Anyone else getting any of these games? S2k
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| If they built a Mortal Kombat game ground up for the 360, I would have considered it.
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| Oh, thats an easy fix. All you have to do is [bleep]
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| Papoose wrote: > We have around a 79" Mitsubishi widescreen with HDTV(1080), IIRC it only cost us $2,000 because it was …
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| Crispy is strictly BYOND. He also raises dingos on his dingo farm :)
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| I'm guessing you have not kept up with Xbox 360 and the news over the past few months. It will be a system seller for a …
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| Yeah, X06 was pretty impressive in my opinion. Sony took some blows from MS. They are losing the Splinter Cell games …
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| Shades wrote: > All the oil rigs around here work you 12 hours a day for a week, give you a week off and then all over …
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| Crispy will replace Steve! ...right Crispy? :)
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| Would you skip out on the game due to Sam's haircut? =P Double Agent is probably going to be pretty challenging due to …
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