
Joined: Jun 5 2008

Medals Speedy313 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness

I've played PSD!

Congratulations you've played Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness!

Earned on May 15 2011, 12:54 pm


Space Station 13 Medals



Earned on Feb 15 2011, 1:13 pm


Resident Evil Alpha


Gain your first kill.

Earned on Feb 5 2011, 2:27 pm

How'd you get that?!

Become an Enforcer.

Earned on Feb 5 2011, 2:30 pm


Get 1337 kills in a game, no more, no less.

Earned on Feb 22 2011, 9:08 am

You are Dr. Ownage!

Kill 10,000 zombies in one round.

Earned on Mar 4 2011, 3:02 pm


Bomberman Battle!

No More Newbie

Join 5 or more rounds!

Earned on Feb 25 2010, 12:40 pm


Pokemon Challenger

Beta Tester

A genuine beta tester!

Earned on Feb 21 2010, 5:01 am

Adventurer Lite

Seen 75 species of Pokemon

Earned on Feb 21 2010, 5:33 am

Around the Block

Seen 110 species of Pokemon

Earned on Feb 25 2010, 12:23 pm

National Dex

Seen 150 species of Pokemon

Earned on Feb 28 2010, 3:29 am


Resident Evil

Barrel of Death

Kill 5 zombies at once with an exploding barrel.

Earned on Jun 9 2009, 2:09 pm