| Redid the head Going to tweak the lips and other features, and redoing the eyes. ------------- One of many versions, …
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| Redoing the head to not be so blocky, working on the feet, adding clothing next. ------------- Updated the head …
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| Looking for anyone who can draw some concept art that I can design a 3D model from to use as graphics for a BYOND game.
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| It's 1:48 AM and I am finishing up my vows. Today I get married. Honey Moon for a week. That's all I have to say.
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| I don't know who all remembers me. Zaltron and I use to use BYOND all the time, we are coming back to design new things …
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| Guy I will finish after the Space Game Competition.
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| For Space Game Competition
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| Make sure you wish Zaltron a happy birthday on his BYOND page.
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| This is the cartoon version of me. And I am creating a 3D model of the cartoon version of me. Let me know what you …
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| Whoever renewed my BYOND membership. Thank you. I promise to bring you a fun game to BYOND.
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| Post your comments and opinions on what I should make/add. Thank you. The characters are temp. The grass is temp. The …
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| I wasn't a BYOND member for 2 whole days. It was terrible! Then I pulled out my visa and signed up again! PHEW …
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| It's amazing how BYOND Membership's have lasted over a year. Too bad they couldn't work out a way to keep dimes.
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| What is the best game on BYOND? Post it in here and convince others why you think it is.
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| Welcome to the place to add and rate who you think is the best programmer(s) and artist(s) on BYOND are. Please feel …
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| I found myself in a state of confusion, then I found the solution. Don't think too hard and you will be alright.
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| Original graphic game in the making
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| Fun Type of Original Grahpics Side Scrolling Game!!
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| Welcome I am currently working on the game so Chat, Change your Icon, and Play Music to all In this Graphiced World
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Dec 4 2010, 4:36 am