| I tend to use { ; } alot and compress mostly as much as I can. I do that becvause I like it, and the fact that I use { …
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| Just copied the BYOND program files on my USB Stick. =P Guess that works, too.
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| A server with lots of players + world/tick_lag = 0 is utter crap, I tell you...
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| BYOND Build Number: 419.985 Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 8.04 Video/Graphics Card: nVidia GEFORCE 6150 SE Game …
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| I use firefox for a long time already, but I don't use a skin.
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| [Too many instances of the f-word to edit them one-by-one.]
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| Popisfizzy wrote: > Interesting. Makes me wish I was good at math. =/ Same, I currently suck ass in it. o_O
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| It wasn't Rob's fault. Just that fucking noob called One Blood and some other nigger called Nakashi spread them. I'm …
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| This demo shows you how to code Auto-AFK.
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| Thanks for the reply. I see why it cannot be inplemented.
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| Nice job Kakashi. It'll be very useful. =)
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| Nice job Kakashi, very nice job. This will be great for the things I've in mind for my game, thank you. :)
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| Referring to old man, how old are you then? Congratulations BTW.
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| You aren't supposed to pay for someone to do something for you. You gain iconers by the respect they have for you. You …
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| I voted "depends on the person" - because here in Holland, where I live, we don't do such things, that going by peoples …
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| for(var/mob/M in get_step(usr,usr.dir)) mob/proc/DeathCheck(mob/M) if(src.HP Meow. D: Oldskool rox.
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| Naruto Ultimate Revised You know I am redoing everything in NUR's next version.
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| I'd like to see that you can make make a html to give the statpanel a color. Like the ones such as inventory, …
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| Danial.Beta wrote: > Well, he shouldn't be taking donations. Then again, Masterdan is known for bad policies. Remember …
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| Go hire your mum to icon em. ^_^
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| Dude, I am 14 and have a job. Get a life? =D
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