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| MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE - THE BLACK PARADE Well well, what can I say about this CD. It is a very different style then all …
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| Well for anyone who needs them, for anything, I have uploaded some of my Computer Science programs for your pleasure …
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| For bieng so generous to give me this CSS.
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| So my high school principal decided that to many people are "didy dodling" in the bathroom and now have created …
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| Whenever I run windows media player(the new version beta) it starts to eat up tons of memory, and starts taking up like …
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| This is one of the last times I will post about him...but this is pretty funny, especially towards the end. [Aug 29 …
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| *sigh* Why does he never learn? He makes this dumb lie yesterday that his favorite game is getting spammed, and I …
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| Is there a way to kinkda mask my IP so that it shows up like I am using the internet from europe?
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| I need help with this one problem please. List the possiblities: The supermarket has a soft-drink machine that …
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| I downloaded what I thought was a skin for windows XP. I unzipped the archive, to find a .destop file. How do I …
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| Hi, me and some friends got together a created a band. Well actually, they had a band, and I joined becuase they needed …
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| lal i hav sum dawgs this is leik ruffy and this is leik ruffy 2 Ok, so I don't own any dogs. Bite me.
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| Instead of creating a new hud object when the player needs it, would this be better? var list/Hud_List = list() world …
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| Lets say I was displaying a HUD menu to a player. Would it be better to. (A) - Create the HUD invisibly, one piece at a …
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| A lib that allows you to set directions for turfs that you can't exit or enter.
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| Problem description: How would I make it go back to the little label I have called "start" in the code. I was looking …
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| Well one of the rides I rode at our 4th of July Carnival. It was called the "Starship 2000" or something. Basicly, it …
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| I need a dollar, it would be nice to give me it :-) Please send it to [email protected] I am $0.13 cents off …
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| Well, recently I have had a 2 week temp-job of helping redo this 90 year old building. It has 3 parts and is divided …
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| I bout a domain webserver thing from Avahost. And I want to know how I can install BYOND on it? It runs on linux.
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| (Me in my friend Jessi's room playing with her pus..kitty.) Our towns small skatepark.
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| You scored as Preppy. Punk70%Preppy70%Emo60% Gothic60%Ghetto10%Geek10%Jock0%Are you punk, ghetto, gothic, preppy, …
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| I bought a domain a while back. www.-redlightgames.com I can acess my site through Cpanel X and can also use FTP with …
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| New icon variables in 4.0 would be nice.. icon delay = 5 The abiity to change this in game would be nice :-).
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| A new variable or proc for cleaning out the text window would be great in 4.0, so that when you reboot instead of …
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| Ok...I bought World of Warcraft a while back..kinda stopped playing, but now I wanna get back into it, and I want my …
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| Is there a way to like turn the bass up on a regular speakers? They are nothing special, but they are pretty good. Like …
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| Can anyone please take the lyrics out of this mp3 and send it to me? AIM - JustinElizondo04 Email - …
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| In 4.0 or later I think it would be a good idea to include the "Hamachi" program and integrate it into BYOND itself. It …
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| Is there no news in the future about a new Sega console? Or are they just going to produce games...
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| In my game you live in a island(small continent) and have skills...by finding wood you can construct wooden …
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| Ok to delete 1 of a certain item in my inventory I am currently doing something like this. var/N1 = 0 …
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| I think it would be good if suffix was updated in the statpanel automatically just like stats, instead of having to …
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| Well with my winamp plugin I can *almost* take the lyrics out of songs..And well I can't save the mp3 like that becuase …
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