
Joined: Feb 24 2008



Freak Doc.
Oct 29 2010, 8:59 pm
Dman2.0 sayed rom what I hear is skooby never payed the server and that one of my friends is trying to get the files to host. Im not sure if Portal has the files or not.

well dman i know the kid who gots the host files but never come om like recely nomore.
Sep 17 2010, 9:43 pm
From what I hear is skooby never payed the server and that one of my friends is trying to get the files to host. Im not sure if Portal has the files or not.
Waffle pup
Sep 8 2010, 1:31 pm
hey dude wat happend to ur game y isnt it up anymore it was a pretty awsome game i played it along time ago idk if u remember me and anyways wen i found out it went down i was pretty donw its like the best dbz game ever well anyways my point is put it back up idk wat happend if u need a host or somtin i am an expierienced host so i can help u out there

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