
Joined: Oct 25 2005

go away


Dec 7 2023, 2:08 am
Hey there i'm just trying to round up everyone used to hang out on Byond Tabletop Gaming together maybe a discord chat for nostalgia's sake. I'm also considering hosting rp session on this platform called Quest Portal I think it would be really fun to get everyone I can back together for some tabletop games and rp.
Sinetta Lockspin#6725

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Sivithis' Favorite Games

Provides the virtual resources that a game master and his or her players need to enjoy traditional tabletop (pen and ...
Fantasy action adventure with boundless possibilities! Each server can be a unique customized world.
by Devourer Of Souls | Jan 22 2006
Tags: fantasy, rpg
Multiplayer fantasy roleplaying. Only roleplayers need apply. (No longer updated.)
Multiplayer RPG set in a unique RP-mandatory fantasy setting.
by Exadv1 | Feb 15 2003
Tags: action, rpg, scifi
Stay alive inside Space Station 13

Sivithis' Favorite People