| Windows Defender in Windows 10 is flagging both the installer and the .zip build of the 511.1353 release as containing a virus.
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| Images drawn on screen objects or used as overlays on screen objects are super broken in the latest 510.1340 build.
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| I started writing this as a pager message to Ter13, but decided that it was better suited as a forum post.
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| You guys used to output a Mac OS X build of the hosting tools and compiler, but it looks like that practice stopped …
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| Many of you probably remember our BYOND Podcasts from awhile back...
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| Today is the 10 year anniversary of the day that I released my first BYOND game!
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| v1.51 is now live on all servers. This is a small update bundled with a feature that will have a very big impact...
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| Today I'd like to finally show off some of the first screenshots of the upcoming skill trees.
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| Last night our largest update since the Sanctum patch went live, bringing with it some pretty major changes and …
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| The NEStalgia 4th of July holiday event is on through Tuesday. Come take part in Balzackian Dependence Day!
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| I've been out of town this week, so there won't be a podcast today. Instead I'd just like to provide a news update and …
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| The Summer of NEStalgia begins.
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| This week Jared and I talk about our participation in last Sunday's PvP tournament on Sosaria as well as this week's …
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| The latest NEStalgia news and updates
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| New monster sprites, dungeon tilesets, sound effects, you name it - feel free to submit it if you think it is worth our …
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| More cool boss fights, more gear, and new types of items and quests will all be part of this huge update.
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| This summer my hope is to smooth out the rough edges and build upon the great foundation that we already have.
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| Today I'm not going to cover specific updates in great detail, but rather explain some of the sweeping changes that are …
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| Check in every day this week for juicy new details and screenshots as we reveal what's in store for NEStalgia.
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| ...Not to mention the v1.44 update and FREE subscriber access to everyone through Monday!
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| Whew. That's a long title.
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| The response to the last podcast was really great, so it looks like we're going to try and make this a weekly thing.
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| Steady progress on the game continues.
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| In an effort to give NEStalgia players yet another way to know what's going on with the game and what is in store for …
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| Malice has arrived, along with a slew of new features and fixes.
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| ...Now that we're on the verge of release, it's time for players to find out just what they're in for.
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| The v1.39 update has just been posted on all of the servers, and it's full of new stuff.
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| Unfortunately, the time that I had planned to spend finishing up the Black Sanctum this weekend was instead devoted to …
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| If your server is not host to a PvP Tournament tomorrow, then it will be either on Sunday or early next week.
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| Decisions about which servers will be going "Open PvP", a new server is starting up, and an update on the Sanctum patch.
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| I apologize for the delay in judging these - I guess that I don't need to explain that I've been a bit preoccupied …
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| I'm about to start rolling out some changes that will help us to maintain the game's long term viability.
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| All NEStalgia servers have been updated to v1.38, which has allowed us to finally offload the character creation …
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| Although we've made a lot of progress we're still trying to cope with the player load.
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| This is pretty cool! A group is live streaming as they play the game. Lots of people watching too.
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| We're still in shock that the game has received so much exposure in such a short period of time.
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| ...and we've got a second server online.
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| All that you need is MS Paint and a good idea!
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| An advertising campaign can just as easily backfire if you tick off your potential audience.
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| It's not easy to make an 8-bit esque RPG look exciting, so I'm very pleased with how the trailer turned out
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| BYOND's Bug and Feature Trackers are really well done. As a game developer I would love to have access to those systems …
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| I'd like the ability to have two or more of my hub entries "share" the same subscription. For example, say that I'm …
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| Have a suggestion or request for my next demo?
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| Learn how to make HUDs from the team who made them popular on BYOND!
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