The recent trend of people begging for someone else to renew their BYOND membership is a bit disturbing, and indicative of a larger problem within the community.
Fifteen dollars is not a lot of money. It just isn't. Whether you're 10 years old or 30, coming up with $15 isn't hard. If you're younger and your family has enough money to own a computer and pay for internet access every month, then they certainly have enough money to pay you $15 in return for chores etc.
That said, I don't think that the problem is that people don't have the money. The problem is that a lot of people on BYOND are flat out lazy. Among other things, this culture of laziness shows through in the overall quality of the games. Rips exist because many developers don't have the ambition to learn how to do things themselves. And why should they? Unfortunately, motivated BYONDers are all too willing to sacrifice their time to help would-be "Rippers" with coding help.
Many BYONDers expect others to do things for them. In a misguided effort to improve BYOND, many veteran users oblige them. Why the hell should I spend $15 of my hard-earned money to renew the membership of X user simply because they only have 20 days of membership time left? In essence, I would be sacrificing the energy and time it took to earn that $15 to support someone who has no intention of putting in the same energy and time. Instead, they expect another person to exert that effort for them.
The people who beg for membership renewals are no better than the people who rip source code and create games without any real knowledge of DM. Both function based upon the same reprehensible motive: why do things for myself when there are plenty of suckers out their willing to do it for me?
I hate to say this, but the BYONDers who give these types of users coding help or gift memberships are just as much to blame for the problem. The lazy BYONDer wouldn't be able to thrive without a hand to feed them. If you're one of the people who hands out gift memberships etc., perhaps it's time to re-evaluate the types of users that you are supporting.
To clarify, there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving help to other people. I have received assistance many times on the Code Problems forum. Heck, several years ago one of my community members mailed me a free PC so that I could continue coding DWO. The difference in those situations was this: I didn't expect help. I worked hard, and I never thought of outside help or success as something that I had a right to. If the types of users who have given me assistance over the years needed help, I would be more than happy to return the favor. There is a big difference between charity for the sake of charity, and charity that has meaning and purpose.
Look at it this way: if the types of BYONDers you are supporting are motivated and work hard, then you are contributing to a positive future for BYOND. On the other hand, if you're forking over $15 to someone who is perfectly capable of spending their own $15 on a membership and has no intention of doing anything for themselves, then you are personally responsible for the lack of quality games and culture of laziness on BYOND.
Dec 6 2006, 10:18 am (Edited on Dec 6 2006, 10:27 am)
Keywords: byond_discussion, flame_bait
Dec 6 2006, 10:31 am
Very true. However my membership was bought for me, without my knowing until afterward.
Yeah, I'm not saying that all people who receive gift memberships are lazy: just the ones who expect to receive them.
Yes, this is a problem with the BYOND community. I personally would not buy a membership for a friend or relative (unless I knew they would pay me back in return) just because I felt nice. The fact is, in life, you earn what you work for, not earn for what you beg for.
~ Meteosync |
Well $15 is easy, but when you have parents that don't believe in using money on the internet, it makes things a bit difficult. And I usually offer help in return for my requests.
Lord of light wrote:
Well $15 is easy, but when you have parents that don't believe in using money on the internet, it makes things a bit difficult. And I usually offer help in return for my requests. I definitely understand the problem with parents who are afraid of spending money over the internet (mine were the same way in high school). However, like you say, if you're willing to work for your membership or help the people who purchase you one, then you're just fine. I think that BYOND accepts money orders as well; so people whose parents are weird about internet transactions that ought to consider that option. |
You really have no idea, my parents don't think I should send money anywhere. They've seen to many rape stories on oprah that talk about how kids were tricked into meeting some 50 year old.
And I offer to program or help to everyone that I ask a favor from. |
Lord of light wrote:
You really have no idea, my parents don't think I should send money anywhere. They've seen to many rape stories on oprah that talk about how kids were tricked into meeting some 50 year old. Alright I must ask, what does mailing a money order or using PayPal have to do with kids on Oprah being raped? And you wonder why you think people harass you for no reason. |
Same here. My parents wouldn't send $15 "for some blog thingy over there in America."
I do have the money myself though, but it's just that A) I'm too young for a PayPal account(I'm 15, and should be 16 for that) and B) it's not very usual to have such an account over here, so I doubt I'd ever take one, if I did, it'd only be for the membership. |
Papoose wrote:
Alright I must ask, what does mailing a money order or using PayPal have to do with kids on Oprah being raped? How can't this be relevant? You should read, instead of just picking out words that don't seem to be relevant. |
O-matic wrote:
Papoose wrote: Yes, because if you stick a money order in your mailbox you will be raped and end up on Opera. Why didn't I draw such conclusion? |
No. He meant to say that buying things over the internet (no matter which method, through mail or digital), has resulted into quite a few rape-cases, of which his parents saw examples in Oprah, which again is why they're scared to even buy something for their kids over the internet.
A bit of thinking doesn't hurt anyone. |
I fail to see how buying something over the internet starts the process of being tricked into meeting a rapist, but that's just me.
Alright I must ask, what does mailing a money order or using PayPal have to do with kids on Oprah being raped? My parents think differently. They think that I shouldn't be sending money to anyone or anything thats online. Think a little before you start flaming. Parents are old fashioned, maybe if your parents loved you a bit more, you'd find out about these things |
Papoose wrote:
I fail to see how buying something over the internet starts the process of being tricked into meeting a rapist, but that's just me. It doesn't. However, people are ignorant, afraid of change, very easily swayed by popular perception. Instead of doing some research and becoming informed on a topic, many people make assumptions based upon hearsay. In the case of the internet, it's still a bit of a question mark in many people's minds. If you don't understand something, your natural reaction is to be afraid of it. |
It doesn't. However, people are ignorant, afraid of change, very easily swayed by popular perception. Instead of doing some research and becoming informed on a topic, many people make assumptions based upon hearsay. In the case of the internet, it's still a bit of a question mark in many people's minds. If you don't understand something, your natural reaction is to be afraid of it. Couldn't of said it better myself. No really, I couldn't have. |
Silk, you make a very good point. Those posts are annoying, and these people are the reason many think that BYOND is a "downward spiral"
Spade489 wrote:
and these people are the reason many think that BYOND is a "downward spiral" Doubt it. They're just requesting (or in your eyes, begging for) a membership. That's it. |
But still, the rise of noobs, and rips (partially contributed to these charity memberships for noob beggars) is the reason many people believe they are seeing somewhat of a drop in the intelligence of the BYOND community.