
Joined: Aug 3 2008


Jun 13 2009, 8:51 pm
Shay,dude,you needa get one and re-GM me. If you don't remember me,I'm the guy that bought the membership that allows me to type this.
Mar 28 2009, 9:07 am
Come try my game , i hope you will like it , i add new map .new transes . new day & night & weather system.
so come and check my game ,you will enjoy it.

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Shayvguy1222's Games
Dragonball z : Strongest Reborn
The game have a fast leveling system and alot of transforms and alot oc effects that no1 have in byond the game have being made by me and from a scratch so please give it a chance.
Re: About Dragonball z : Strongest Reborn