
Joined: Apr 12 2014

Temporary 24/7 Host

Shamy-Z's Favorite Games

Coming this soon.
An anime inspired roleplaying game where you create the story.
by GibleFan112 | Jun 8 2011
Tags: anime
Welcome to Bleach: Life and Death 2
NotTensa, And Cold Fusion Productions Presents , Bleach: Life and Death 2.
by LordEspada | Jan 19 2021
Tags: action, anime, pve, pvp, rpg
Based on Bleach | PVE / PVP | 30+ Classes |
by Seventh | Mar 24 2012
A Ninja Roleplay Game
by AllSmiles | Mar 21 2010
Tags: fantasy, rpg
Live and feel feudal Japan.
by Pixelcomet | Aug 4 2015
An atmospheric, anime inspired role playing game.
by MetaFrosty | Dec 22 2013
Tags: anime, horror, mystery
Who will remain when the clock hits 6AM?
by Rich2008 | Apr 29 2015
Immerse yourself in this open-world sandbox, built solely for role-playing.
A multiplayer roleplaying game involving catchable pocket monsters!
by Megaking52 | Mar 30 2017
Full-Rp based game with hundreds of options.
Multiplayer RPG set in a unique RP-mandatory fantasy setting.
by Tantric1 | Sep 25 2017
Tags: action, anime, pve, pvp, rpg
RPG of One's Decisions Affects The World - Requires Byond Ver. 513.1524+
by Cottle88 | Feb 24 2014

Shamy-Z's Favorite People