Shadow Void
{R.I.P.- Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan}
I see you have some essays in your comment box, not that it was any of my intrest to read them, i just thought to myself, why would someone spend so much time typing that much just on one little blog?
May 26 2010, 4:11 pm
Blue Eevee
Sup SV =O Its meh, Bloo dewd X=May 24 2010, 6:54 pm and cmon guys, chill out =/
Shadow Void
May 23 2010, 10:24 am lol their are a lot of rip games right now ^^ save me and the game the trouble and u can comment on their post if wanted ^^ i mean i just came to post comments for shadow void for insulting the game for no apparent reazon i mean if u have made a game and all of a sudden u see someone insulting it you would get them bak right? omg u guys need to grow up and know its writing even if u and tiberath might be old and probably got an A in english u shouldnt whine and insults the people who can't write good i mean lolz im not even good at writing so u guys can gooo all u want about how i shouldnt wright and i will just ignore it. I thought old people were supposed to be mature. Im wondering why are u guys soo mad just tell me why do u think writing is bad lolz i came here to argue about shadow void starting to make fun of a game that my friend has made and now im arguing about writing lolz i need to ignore this conversation about writing and get bak to the real topic about me and shadow void. That's the point. You guys didn't even make the game. Changing the name, staff, and map, isn't making a game. To be honest, ripping can be considered a violation of the law. Not like the government would care, though.
Elite-shinobi wrote:May 23 2010, 9:25 am Kumorii wrote: |
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Jun 29 2010, 12:17 pm