Just a warning to the people who hate reading, this is going to contain a lot of it.
My project which is named Mythic Quest(The name is kind of pending!), was moving in all sorts of directions due to my amazing indecisiveness at first. I had to sit down and literally draw out a plot and a world that I could work with on a day to day basis without getting sick of it. Typically on BYOND when people talk about their games, it's very little details, well not this post, time to go into high detail about the world and possible universe I'm creating.
The game is going to take place during a three way war basically, the Mystics being warriors of great power going against their counterpart enemies the Unbound. Each of these groups has the power to wield the elements of the world fire, water, air and earth. Although, you can only master one of these elements due to the strain it would have on your body to master more than one. An old blog post I had talked about the inspiration I pulled from Star Wars, the Mystics and the Unbound are kind of like Jedi and Sith in a way to me, but different too. How the war came about is described in the game through books you can read and the small learning tutorial and so on.
I know I only named two opposing forces; the third is the main evil within the game. The Xaoc; (Chaos is Greek :D) which were an attempted creation by the Unbound to make an army of perfect soldiers to destroy the Mystics. It back fired in the end when the Xaoc became too strong and considered all life inferior and set out on there on goal to wipe out all living things. The Mystics continue to fight the Xaoc; as well as the Unbound and vice versa.
The war has only lasted a year and this is where all players will come in. The plot is pretty basic, but the details that will be in the game make it better then a basic write out. Now details on the games system if you're even still reading XD. It's pretty much your basic MORPG open world sand box style with my own special touch, anyways DETAILS below.
This is considered one of the most important things for some people. The combat is fast paced free roam hack'n slash, there will be a range of weapons the effect your attack power, speed and defense. You're looking at swords, axes, and bows. With a lock on system the bow is very useful for people who like to keep their distance from anyone trying to kill them.
All players will have to choose a side in the end, Mystic or Unbound and with that an element as well. All elements have their advantages and disadvantages.
Fire - I know this will be the favored element of most people being the main attacking element, having ranged attacks, area bombs and small defensive moves it is extremely versatile for any player.
Earth - This is the defensive element, being able to shield yourself with the earth around you and taking more damage. Don't count it out though if you're a PvP kind of person. Having the power to throw huge boulders or piercing people with razor sharp rocks shooting from the ground they stand on.
Water - Being able to wield the main substance in the world is always a plus; capable of creating huge waves, freezing people where they stand and even healing the people you stand by.
Air - Air in my opinion is a very useful skill, capable of creating a whirl wind or even speeding yourself up with the air around you maybe to run away to live or to speed up your attack. It's all about how you use it.
Depending on which side you join you will also have another power, which I will be keeping secret for now :D. Now all the elements will have techs you learn throughout your adventures in the game, but you won't just learn moves to shoot cool beams and what not. The air element can be used to speed yourself up and move double the speed, which can be used in battle to assist you greatly. Not just by being a sissy either -_-, say you're a ranged player using a bow and your fighting a monster that has a bit more speed than your normally, well with the air element you can boost your speed and keep your distance easier. It comes down to how people play and there battle tactics.
The game is open pvp as of now, but that could still change depending on how testing goes and so on. Your characters growth will mostly be through quests and killing monsters, sorry no logs here ): for those who like to macro. I already have a quest list that sorts out the Main Quest for various side quests listed. Each side quest when you start will be listed in the color red and will tell you where to start it and will change as you move further through the quest (It's very user friendly :D).
I have other skills within the game each player can level up which are sometimes used to do quests or you can use them to make money. These skills so far are fishing, mining, and agility. Fishing is mostly for making some cash or eating and restoring any lost health. Agility is still is early stages, but basically it can be used to get in difficult spots in quests or maybe even hidden areas within the game that contain treasure >.>, you didn't hear that from me.
What else is there, customization which is pretty simple; you choose your hair and basic stuff. Clothes and armor aren't just for looks though; each armor has different traits and supports different styles of players. There are no classes; you can be whatever you want at anytime fighting wise, sword user, bow, and whatever else your heart desires if it's in the game that is. I'm hoping to have the game out soon, but I'm not setting a release date because I work 40+ hours a week and I just don't want to disappoint anyone including myself.
Well I guess that's all for my very unprofessional written blog post, if there are any (Which there most likely was) hard to read errors, I apologize I didn't feel like proof reading this XD. Thank you all for reading!
Here are some screen shots of the game! I hope you enjoy them :D.

Shooting with style! I had to freeze him to get this shot -_-.

Taking a bandit down in losing fashion!
Well, that is all now for real this time! I hope you liked it :D.