
Joined: Mar 4 2006

Medals Setre has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]



Make your character

Earned on Sep 5 2020, 2:59 pm

Hard Worker

Reach level 5850

Earned on Sep 9 2020, 9:01 pm

I did it!

Unlock your Bankai

Earned on Sep 9 2020, 9:44 pm

Sigrogana Legend 2

Da Da Da Daaa

Obtain a certain item on the third floor of the Jammer Cavern.

Earned on Sep 4 2020, 2:12 pm


Reach character level 10.

Earned on Sep 4 2020, 2:36 pm

Violent Meeting

Walk away victorious from a certain meeting at the bottom floor of the Jammer Cavern.

Earned on Sep 4 2020, 2:36 pm


Reach character level 20.

Earned on Sep 4 2020, 3:46 pm

Beginner Evoker

Unlock the Evoker promoted class for Mage.

Earned on Sep 4 2020, 4:00 pm

Beginner Hexer

Unlock the Hexer promoted class for Mage.

Earned on Sep 4 2020, 4:00 pm


Reach character level 30.

Earned on Sep 4 2020, 6:27 pm


Reach character level 40.

Earned on Sep 5 2020, 4:46 am

Expert Evoker

Reach class level 30 with the Evoker promoted class.

Earned on Sep 5 2020, 5:06 am

I Guess It Isn't Always Swordfish

Learn the password from a certain cat-eared detective.

Earned on Sep 5 2020, 11:32 am

I Found It So It's Mine

Obtain a certain band from a certain secret base.

Earned on Sep 5 2020, 11:42 am


Kingdoms of Seven

Early Alpha

I'll be early alpha player now THAT is an achievement

Earned on Mar 5 2019, 3:01 am


Naruto: Rogue

The First Step

Leave The Academy.

Earned on Jun 1 2011, 10:38 pm