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| I have had mods delete replies to my posts in the forums, fortunately I still get to read them thanks to the reply …
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| I put quite a bit of thought into doing that, but decided agenst it. It was when I was replacing FlashChat with B-Net …
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| Problem is, BYOND would most likely get compensation for the fangame.
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| A mirror is the selected download site. They are called mirrors because they all give you the same file, just at …
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| 100Gb of ram would not do you any good these days. Perhaps by the time your a rich it might do you some good. I think 2 …
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| You can view files, but that doesn't make it a file browser. There is no way that you could do all that you need to in …
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| How is it better? I have never had a virus that AVG did not catch.
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| He said free. To be honist, GIMP is the best free image editor out there. If you don't know how to work it, learn. I …
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| I recommend reporting the card as stolen, this will lock it down, and flag any usage. If they use it at any online …
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| Heh, the "D" was a typo out of habit... Anywho, I still see digitalBYOND as a competitor, even if not directly. I would …
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| TrayIt! is what I found most usefull. It works rather well and is doesn't do anything crazy like add nother minimize …
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| I have one of those at home, a 17" version, and untill I got my 19" LCD, I loved it. It was a great monitor, probably …
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| Eating forbidden apples. Wait...that was the Garden of Eden.
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| Not sure, I haven't tried. I know you can have them clones(scoobsoft.com and scoobsoft.net could be the same thing) but …
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| ID:433464 A post Nadrew made about the good fine people at portforward.com
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| Actually, the right to bare arms is directly aimed at keeping the population as armed as the nation. Why? Because, in …
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| Capote was a great movie, it should have gotten something. It too was a movie about a gay man living in a socity that …
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| Not really a typo, I was wrong. I wasn't sure how it was spelled and didn't both to look it up, but thanks for …
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| Just convert your MP3s to a different format, not that hard. OGG is good.
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| What about 10 years up the road when you have $300 in a bank account that is should be someone elses? I figure that …
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| How many times was the test preformed? Where both cans in identecal climates(AC vent could have been blowing on one) …
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| Tis true(well, mostly.) My computer can run any game released for Windows and Xbox360 better than an Xbox360. I have …
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| Ahh, many games have done that(not saying SR stole the idea though), Zelda did it with "Link to the Past", Prince of …
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| Actually, I recently installed DSL on a system with very simular specs. The results where ok, but it didn't like to be …
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| He is running linux there bub.
3 |
| Yes... But if you want Diablo style 3D, well you are in luck, that isn't 3D. It is pre rendered 3D put into an …
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| Load the package manager and get make.
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| Did I mention it hit the ugly roots sticking out of the ground when it landed?
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| No, I would assume not. The best they might hope for is to be able to be "programmed" with a few generic responces, and …
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| So I just ran DSL on this old machine sitting by my desk. 32mb of old school goodness. This machine is old, I believe …
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| They don't have the OS to test it on. How can they program for an OS they don't have?
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| A print screen with a Aqua theme on XP?
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| Well, to most boot loaders, C:\Windows means absolutly nothing. You have to tell it what device and partion windows is …
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| Well, the only thing Spybot can do to your machine is what you tell it, and most of the advanced options are hidden by …
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| Actualy, we used something like that as a timeclock when I worked at food lion. The size told me no harddrive, or at …
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| Because it is both made by the same person.
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| Look in your manual. Normally, you put the bin on a floppy and restart, your mobo should reconize it as a bios update …
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| Rangle up $50 and go to http://www.godaddy.com Get the basic hosting and a domain name for a year. Tada, all fixed. You …
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| Actualy, FireFox is at 1.5 (I believe it is considered a stable release.)Probably what he was thinking.
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| I think that Lummox had basicly the same idea as me. I normally have two levels for my games, considering I am both …
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| Look up info on reading and writing an XML file in visual basics, surely there is a tutorial for it somewhere. The …
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| I have always had good luck with Sony DVD-Burners. They look good and preform well. Also, LiteOn drives are good …
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| Well then...mission accomplished. That was my plan all along, to make digi shoot soda out of his nose. I am a master of …
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| Right, it isn't annimated, sqent your eyes and look at it.
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