| 720w? Where did you get that number? I have two harddrives, and only have a 350w, and it work great. 750 my butt. 400w …
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| I disagree, I believe that the cost and bandwidth of the pager system was probably great. I was constantly getting …
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| I like pro. Most home copys come with a bunch of junk installed (This might be just OEM for manufactured computers) …
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| From what I heard, it was not worth playing. Most reviews gave it a very bad score, and one even said 'The best thing …
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| Actualy, since I had already beat it for the ps2, I downloaded a new save. It has everything, 100%, all cloths, …
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| Then you are probably on a mac, and that feature would not do you any good anyhow.
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| AVG is a great anti-virus, it has never failed me. Also, it is free.
13 |
| Get a new harddrive. When I had 56k, a 4GB seemed like amlost enough, when we had a new computer and still had 56k, …
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| I won it fair and square.
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| Digi, part of the problem with digitalBYOND, that I see at least. Is that it is a standard forum. Doesn't seem to be …
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| 32MB of ram on the card? That is extreamly low. You might be able to update the drivers for it, try going to the makers …
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| The best way to create tables is by hand. There are so many things to figure in, like should widths and heights be …
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| I get tired of people on scooters and mopeds all the time. Your's might not be a case like the norm, but very often …
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| And who says that he didn't make a fancy case for his xbox, or even have a xbox hiding, and that was just an empty …
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| NotePad2 is a good editor that supports a lot of different languages. Worth a try.
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| Probably another man on the little bike, with jacksons head photoshopped. Or Gimped, or Paintshopped. Everyone assumes …
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| Ya, mine is signed by Tom too. "Dan, Never underestimate the power of your dreams! Regards, [incomprehinsable …
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| If you can get to a dos prompt, run chkdsk. I saved a laptop at my work that way.
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| Suffering does build character. . . It does. But people tend to think some things are suffering, when they aren't …
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| Ya, I have been telling myself I am going to read that... but so far...ya.
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| Interesting question. The basic reason is security and open sources. But I think the most important part is standards …
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| The irony in this story is that you where cracking an anti-virus. This is kinda like screaming "I don't have a working …
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| Why not have lots of diffrent languages, not just DM? How about a c++ highlighter, or a php highlighter? Both of those …
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| I went back and edited some of my older posts a while back. They are bad, look them up yourself if you feel like seeing …
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| Heh, I have 1 joystick, two controllers, and 1 odd thing called an n52 nostromo. I should try connecting my joystick. I …
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| Thats why most companys call them notebook PCs.
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| Heh, if it is so profitable, they would not need you to pay for an application. You got ripped off, but it seemed like …
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| I remember mention of being able to own Hummers, but I never got to that point. Also, unless I was just that good, I …
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| Perhaps your profile got corrupt from a bad shutdown. I have heard of this happening. Try searching the mozilla help …
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| I know, for a fact, that these are possible, and in uses in a simular form right now. I work at a local grocrey store, …
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| Well, I now have B-Net up and running, it is a quite functionable single room chat system. I am currently hosting it, …
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| Radeon x300 is ok, but really out of date. I have a Radeon 9800se and I only payed $120 for it. Technicaly the x300 is …
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| I have troubles getting into Battlestar Galactica. It is a very detailed story, and if you miss an episode, you could …
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| Why do people care about spoilers, it's not the ending that counts, but the pages before it. I can guess how most …
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| looked like quicktime to me. Winamp will play it though.
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| Most music players will play OGG, assuming you have the codecs for it. Winamp will play it, I am sure of that.
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| Like a TV does. I have a monitor that does that. Some people can hear it, some people cant. I can hear it very good. I …
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| Wow, makes me want to buy some poster board and sticky notes and make some pictures (Get something to go over it to …
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| Also, a brush can be reused, an almost unlimited amount of times. But a can of compressed air runs out very fast. The …
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| Or do it with the ps3, and have 44 teraflops.
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| Actauly, I was talking about the artists, not you. Well, the facts strait thing. I just kinda worded it oddly. I am bad …
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| Ya, I fixed that on this key, but it was still listed in my form fillout history wrong, I didn't check.
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| I think that you should be able to specify a separate email just for reply notifications. I want to use an email …
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| Well, you might be able to get a copy of Nero from someone with a cd-burn. LiteOn gives a copy out with every cd burn …
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| Linux has a nice program like that. I cant remember the name though.
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| I think people are thinking that mertek is a chick.
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