| Special thanks to Hell Ramen for reminding me. :) I almost forgot this episode. (To anyone who doesn't get it, Care …
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| Someone's running out of ideas. Can you tell who it is?
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| Intentionally dark or depressing, or a sudden case of the laziness? That's for you to decide! (Not like it's a hard …
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| A triple-scene special for today! Anyway, I woke up feeling under the weather this morning. I might stay home from …
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| Will he escape? Will someone foil his plan? Tune in tomorrow for another crappy exciting MSpaint in the drama series, …
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| (Hey, I may as well make the most of it with something light-hearted. :D)
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| You are not authorized to post messages at this time. Message from moderator: posting an animated 'STFU' graphic that …
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| Long ago, there was a guy named Andy. Andy loved the character Princess Peach. So much, that people who checked out his …
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| So I check out the member section and come across a hateful attack against me. First off, I'd like to say that I have …
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| I hate this turd. He has offered NOTHING to Byond in the past 4 YEARS he has had his key. 4 years of just screwing …
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| I hug you. Hug me too. Post a reply to hug me, or to hug the person below you. ... I feel so weird now. Glad I got that …
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| Forgive me. I made this veeeeery early this morning. Delusions brought about by lack of sleep created …
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| (WARNING: Possibly offensive!) Here's the thing. I've had a membership for roughly 3 months now, thanks to a generous …
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| After tallying up my alloted bandwidth usage in the Byond journals, I have blown 70 megabytes in the space of one day …
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| I think Evi of AU will appreciate this link. :P Or to anyone who's semi-familiar with the recent Ebaumsworld drama …
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| And that's all from me today. Pretend that this makes up for a lack of real content. :D
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| Yet another "Choose Your Own Content" post, eh? I hated going to England today for the sole purpose of going back to …
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| To make up for my lack of real content in this post. ;)
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| I don't know if this would've been entirely acceptable on the Byond forum, or if it was worth rebumping an already …
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| I could've sworn this was posted, but I found nothing in the search. I think a useful feature would be that banning …
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| I'm a moron. I multipled square miles by 5280 twice to get square feet. ...there's your fun fact! I tend to embarass …
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| My mother and sister came in from the city roughly half an hour ago. They were both fuming, at each other it seemed …
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| I think half a day was long enough to leave this web developer's nightmare. If anyone's interested in looking at my …
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| I visit another forum where this just got passed around. So now I'm passing it on to all of you …
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| Inspiration can come from the strangest of places. I would have never expected I'd type this up after slicing off some …
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| This isn't what it sounds like. :P So just a minute ago I was stretching because I felt sore and I felt/heard a …
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| I've been addicted to this comic strip for months now. The humor is quite off-the-wall and the ending of each strip …
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| Just now I finally bit my lip and went ahead with trying the new beta, and while I'm still getting used to the change …
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| I've had internet access for two hours now but I just got on. My fat sister had to check for "important stuff for 20 …
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| ...up until recently I felt like I was losing my mind with no access to any computers. First we bought a few adapters …
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| On August 1st, I'll be boarding a plane headed for the land of clovers and alcohol. It's not just a trip, though. I'm …
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| Anyone ever see those "reality shows" that seem to infest television? Those clips where you watch a person say …
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| http://www.roanoke.com/ printer/printpage.aspx?arcID=27069 The article itself I imagine is too long to just copy-paste …
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| So, I've been trying to host a small game off and on. Everything's fine and all, until I realize I accidentally put it …
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| Yesterday I got a job as a cook for Pizza Hut. I wasn't thrilled about it at all (my sister guilted me into doing it) …
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| http://www.votecobb.org Presidential candidates Cobb and Badnarik are seeking a recount in Ohio to clear up possible …
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| Is it possible to have a pager option that refuses to accept a mass-page or Sent To All from a person? Generally, they …
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| A good friend of mine showed me this link that I figured to pass on here. http://www.freewebs.com/ byond-admin/index.htm …
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| (If I'm posting this in the incorrect area, I won't gripe about it being moved/deleted/etc) I've had an interesting …
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