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| That's the same ideal that went with Proelium's player hosts. Look where that ended up. :)
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| What? Asked a stupid question? STOP WASTING BYOND'S BANDWIDTH! What? Said something and you don't agree with it? STOP …
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| I used to be known for lewd typos. I swear they were infrequent - I made many typos at the time, so the few that did …
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| It does now. As quoted in the announcements back in June... BYOND can now play sounds and songs in the following …
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| Shades wrote: > Yeah I sure did. They aren't really ripped, just over used by lazy kids who don't want to learn a damn …
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| I try to keep no more than one fiesta at a time, and I'll remove it once I make another post. People shouldn't have to …
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| You know, it's not often that you see a Lens Flare that doesn't really look out of place. :o
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| Nono, what I meant is that most of the drama stems from Jamesburrow's posts. They're the source. Whether he intends …
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| No. Elation is an egotistical jerk, but doesn't seem like a moron. :P Don't snap back at him just because he …
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| It's not, actually. :P That was the gist of it. My dad wanted to show us the church he visited when he was …
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| Shrenwold forest? Hahahahaha. :D
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| Yet the camera conveniently caught it all on tape. :) You only see him in the clip, so I'd assume it was him that put …
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| Well, Lemmings used music that came from other places. Unless Finiculi Funicula was created for Earthworm Jim 2, I …
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| ~Off-topic~ I was one of the "alternate winners" in Ozma's avatar guessing game. I'm now a retard snuggling a cat. …
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| I liked Big Momma's House 2. :(
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| And the image file I made of it is 6 MB. I may have to shrink the size down 75% to make it realistically linkable.
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| Maybe. I wouldn't know about that, so your guess is better than mine. All that I do know about the picture is that …
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| All of this lack of love building up over the last few hours is starting to seep in! At this rate, I don't know if the …
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| Catchphrase. User loses posting privileges for one day.
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| He's taking a little longer than expected to hatch. :( The doctor said he'll break out at precisely 7:00 PM (EST), so …
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| It's quite possible for a person to not pass out host files for their game. He did say he lost the source in another …
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| Look at it hatch! If I had to guess, I'd say that it's going to come out tomorrow! Go little guy, go! <img …
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| Don't worry about the egg. I may be rather crude but I'd never introduce anything illegal/not-work-safe. Definitely …
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| Valentine's Day was pretty good for me. I've been giving out eggs. :)
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| This little egg has been given a lot of love! It's already twitching! Go check your journals to see for yourself! If …
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| In Xooxer's defense, he didn't say that until after you said that you didn't say it was on purpose. And that sentence …
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| Don't worry. :) The hatchling won't be from any television show or videogame.
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| Margaret. Get my shotgun.
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| I wanted to point that out too, but if it was supposed to be a joke I didn't want to be made out as the person to not …
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| I started that post with the focus on people retaliating against harsh words, and it kinda degenerated into all forms …
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| I believe they're not allowed "donations" either. They're still accepting money through the game. Would they be getting …
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| Fine, I'll bite. >:( Allow me to introduce the main reason why some people just shouldn't make games …
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| I like this. No worries of item theft by dishonest traders, and you can see what you get before you get it.
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| While it's not making a game, I took over 3 years to get around to ripping this animation from Breath of Fire 3. Beat …
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| I hear the word "fag" all of the time in college. Turns out everybody was talking about cigarettes. It made me fear for …
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| Shades wrote: > But I was asking for Legal Savy people, not people woundering if the site works. > > Thank you. Then …
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| You're going to break through a weak part of a wall just to circumvent the time limit for your computer? ...I think …
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| While that'd be a fun thing to think about, the problem boils down to questions like these... Who's to decide if one …
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| Soldierman wrote: > US Supreme Court o well since they say its not theft then ok it must not be, but of course they …
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| I considered replying to him saying just that, but I didn't want to be trained. :(
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| I went back a few pages and didn't see this requested, so I may as well ask. I think it would be handy to have special …
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| Whoa, neat. You're letting the projectiles fire down from the cliff.
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| The internet is serious business. :)
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