| You're all forgetting the best thing about Einstein. He had static balloon hair.
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| You forgot black. My soul is black like a muthafugga. Fo' real.
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| Verb? He justiced the crocodile. Makes me think of "serviced" instead. Yeah, I'm sure a group of people could …
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| Except both of the flesh become one... *Cough*
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| I only know him because I think I saw him online once in DWO. :P Still, good luck with the surgery. Don't try to lose …
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| Elation wrote: > When I get forum bans... This occurs regularly for you?
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| In light of your latest journal entry, I have created this special image for you. Edit: Locked so Sinyc can't respond.
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| I will delete it when I see it and ban you for a day, just because I can. Lowered the limit because Sinyc JUST CAN'T GO …
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| :o But it was an awesome prank! It's also up to 7887 total views now.
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| That's the one I was playing. I wanted to hoard it for myself. Shhh.
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| I've never seen a halfway decent Mp3 to midi converting program that didn't cost money up the wazoo for pretty bad …
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| Yeah. Double Dragon is awesome.
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| I don't know, really. Everybody seemed to be doing it and I didn't want to miss out on the bandwagon. :( Anyway, Sinyc …
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| The thing is...I wasn't making fun of him. I was making fun of his lightbulb, because it looked like a miniature lens …
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| Dark Campaigner was kind enough to share this photographic evidence he discovered of Byond enjoying priceless art. I …
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| I got the same thing too. It was weird as heck, because I was in the middle of making a journal entry when it happened …
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| digitalmouse wrote: > more importantly, and even more evil, is the slow disappearance of the legendary eatery: the A&W …
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| KamiKaziSamuri made this startling connection from the news the other day. No wonder Byond's logo is an atom! But …
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| I'll post everything that has been sent so far tomorrow morning. :)
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| Scoobert wrote: > I realize that there are idiots out that that will click "Yes, install this random software off a …
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| Tiberath wrote: > mob > Login() > if(src.client.IsByondMember()) > src del(src) > ..() > That's granted it's not being …
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| I heard that everybody and their mother got the ability to move their twinked characters to Mourning when the game went …
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| Ever hear of the phrase, "rose-tinted glasses"? Games back then might have been fun when you were younger, but if …
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| Oh, that sucks. I guess the test went up and down while I was in bed. :( My timezone sucks.
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| Since when was Photoshop free? And don't try to say "crack" because that doesn't count. >:(
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| Can you copy-paste the entire link in that message? The part where it says Archive. Edit: I don't really know what to …
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| How can this be for anything OTHER than attention? Check the timestamps. This journal entry is almost a month old …
31 |
| Oh, okay. That makes more sense to me than that craptastic DM example or the abbreviations from hell. x_x I think I …
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| I cracked my head on the curb when I was in 2nd grade. We were at a neighbor's house. I was in my mother's van, …
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| RedlineM203 wrote: > I believe it is, I had it once. A hair on your ass?
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| What's Byond's stance on people who bounce through multiple games to the point of bringing them down? I know each …
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| Cleared out for the new one.
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| That problem isn't just related to Jews. You also get religious beliefs (both for AND against Christianity. Both …
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| Well, look at it this way. They announced it would be a warning of the day. Since they said that, Dantom was …
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| Is there any difference from dying to a person instead of a monster?
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| As ugly? :'( Actually, it surprised me too. I like the way it looks.
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| HAHA! "I love being your MySpace friend THIS much!"
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| I can't imagine why you would feel that way, Iain. :o
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| ...that's really odd. I tried checking the post/reply buttons but I still never saw anything out of the ordinary. I …
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| Don't you remember the egg fad I started? :(
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| I'm certain you could replace Runescape with any other MMORPG and your statement wouldn't be any different. :P
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