| Day 2 Last time, on "Making a Rip", I began by opening up Zilal's RPG tutorial and typed up a lot of nonsense that …
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| ..... I have such a converter, but I left it on the other side of the world. Damn it. :(
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| Either he hid himself or he's no longer in the top 5.
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| Is there no notice in the hub review entry page about this? Or are people occasionally just missing it?
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| Day 1 I've opened up Dream Maker and I'm staring at a lot of blank space. I wonder if this feeling of being lost is …
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| I was going to suggest a similar way to do the same thing. Just rightclick it, Open With, Choose Program, and scroll …
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| I don't think I ever got to know you well, but it's hard to forget the picture of a disembodied floating pirate head …
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| He said "on the current hub", and I don't see Sheep 1 when I run a search for it.
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| You'll need some good roleplayers and a watertight set of rules to get the RP aspect of your game to stay afloat. One …
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| I know it's wrong to backseat moderate but if it's alright with you can this topic be split into two? WMDs mixed with …
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| If anyone who is still developing a game happens to read this... FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS BYOND-Y, RECORD GAME …
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| Those pesky phoenixes. Always rising from the ashes and then trailing them on the carpet.
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| If this was the SA-friendly server, did you try contacting an admin? Still, beating someone to death with an ID card …
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| Your torches are sitting on the roof of the caves instead of the walls. O_o
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| That's Beat and Defeat. Expel wouldn't give you either.
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| This makes me curious and if anyone knows, I'd like to second this question. I recently started hosting SS13 in the …
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| I usually give it a kickstart by adjusting the Games tab to "Show Watched Games" and then back to "Show All Games". …
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| Well, to start with here's a free antivirus that I like to use. AVG. http://free.grisoft.com As for spyware/adware, I …
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| Holy shit! I love doodling with Dmp files. If only this game I used to play could have used this, I would have been …
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| Cute. :) I enjoyed seeing you change the title as you went through.
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| Wait wait wait, back up. I just noticed this. > You share the same birthdate as my Mother ;D Your mother is 22 …
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| If you want to call learning plagiarism, then sure. Someone outright copies a document, the creation of which had …
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| People had to read from your site in order to find out that you were offering a dollar in the first place. :P
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| I don't know about that version, but if you want here's a movie of a Spore presentation with Robin Williams giving it a …
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| That doesn't sound like fanboy speak to me. Fanboyism is more like "FF7 IS THE OOOONLY GAME I PLAY CLOUD IS SO AWESOME …
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| Only 17? That explains a lot. :P
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| Ah, looks like I started something unnecessary here. Sorry. :(
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| Okay, I think everything will be alright now. :) Once I change my MOTD to reflect the free-for-all sandbox policy on …
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| Um...okay, let me rephrase that. Nobody in their right mind would give out a password cracker to anyone. Ever. People …
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| I just found the thread where he said that. You really burned him there. :D
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| Mecha Destroyer JD wrote: > They can make a WET channel if they wanna but I doubt it will happen.. Imagine the chagrin …
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| Naw. I'm not. I was just sitting around one day, thinking about things that kinda irk me about online games and this …
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| Name the category? Fox animated comedy cartoons? I just started to watch Family Guy again after a year. I could …
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| CaptFalcon33035 wrote: > The only reason they make gaming systems is for money. If they didn't make money at all, they …
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| That would just flip to another problem of people convincing a programmer to work on a project, receive the code, and …
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| I don't know what you're trying to get at with the first part of your comment. Nobody's surprised that Ebaum nabs …
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| I'm fighting with myself in my head, whether to make fun of your post or not (considering what I typically expect from …
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| Some fun discussion, maybe?
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| I typically zone out when reading reviews once they move into personal opinion (in other words, not far at all). My …
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| I think what you said sounded okay, but I was rather disappointed with your reasons for showcasing Pacman, Chrono …
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| Oh, you mean stuff like this? :D I read that this stuff was marketed for young children, too.
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| I'm pretty sure the game is playable while free, but extra stuff will still need a subscription. I haven't seen Silk …
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