| I saw the post too. Damn. I missed it. Thanos is ready to come loot your whole burrow. The Gingerbread Men Clan of …
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| I check on BYOND every few years. It saddens to me to see the community still so small with the internet so big , yet …
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| Howdy! Most of y'all don't know me. Some of y'all do. I'm from the old school. One of the things that saddens me the …
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| Wow. This guy is preaching the truth right now. Thats just about exactly how I feel and more!
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| That's exactly what I was looking for. I have a couple of projects that I'm working on and I would love to bounce some …
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| So becuase I'm not on your buddy list, you won't cover Submerged? :D Haha, I wish somebody would do this for ALL the …
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| Dantom just went up .029 points.
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| Moonlight Memento wrote: > He really listed his address and real name? Unusual we both live in the same state (if he …
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| Yeah I have played it. Sariat wrote: > I'm a little over halfway done and I'm >pissed that I need to get all the …
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| Love the new direction Ken-han! "Can I has GM?"
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| Hey Silk, is the pirate ship/mountain new? :D
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| IcewarriorX wrote: > > > also teka, 50 cent got shot 9 timez and still didnt die. LOL!!!
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| Is there a BYOND Geo-Tagging website? There should be!
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| Most of us grew up playing video games, and almost all kids now-a-days have some gaming experience. For those of us in …
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| As in, it doesn't take me .075 seconds to move one tile. And if I "run" it takes me .05 seconds to move. Most annoying …
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| Foomer wrote: > Don't go starting flame wars, Garthor. I think this thread should have been taken to e-mail/blog a LONG …
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| Hey Silk, Since nobody has taken you up on the review, and you have piqued my interest in the game, I would like to …
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| Haha Mike, do you have a security system set up in your house? I can imagine you having a panic room, as well, haha.
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| I think there should be a status icon provided by BYOND for people who buy/have/become memberships. For example, have …
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| Haha, Texas. And cool, we could be related Theironx :P
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| Whoever added me, whats your gamertag? Also, Xbox Live Rules,
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| So what exactly is your game?
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| I must say, the moment I saw this video, I instantly want to play the game, and I'm on the "inside" of the project. I …
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| digitalmouse wrote: > with the advent of isometric support in BYOND, i'm tempted to dig out my folder of game design …
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| I'm all setup with it, and I clink ads everytime I come up on the site!
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| Kenneth, I do have plans of recreating the game, I'll let ya know when I do, maybe we could team up on it or maybe you …
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| Before I start, I just would like to applaud you on the honesty and background you've gave us. I bet 99.99% of all …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > Kuraudo wrote: > > You could set it up a little differently, where instead of having the character …
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| The base isn't the final version. It's just progress. (As you can see one has a thinner waist and the other has a …
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| As in how can I play this game, where to download, I went to the hub but there was no way for me to play it. I want to …
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| As far as moving, we're going to have using items, holding items (one handed and two handed), limping, and lying down …
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| I appreciate it guys, haha. I had fun making it, and I had fun wearing it for the most part. SO NYAH
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| I've always wanted to use "The Pendericki" in a game, just didn't have an exact purpose for it, yet :/
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| Can't wait to try it out, GREAT JOB SAx.
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| The original Super Smash Bros. was BAD ASS. So was the original Blitz on the 64. What about the original Mario Party??
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| Completely and uttlerly to support BYOND. But I have got some nice perks in some games (MLAAS off the top of my head) …
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| Ham Doctor wrote: > How important is it you see your progress via numbers and such? I have been thinking about making …
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| I'm gonna yay you 'cause your my boy, haha.
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| Alpha Tile Set for Submerged
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| SuperAntx wrote: > I see BYOND as the go-to tool for 2D games. There will be support of shading, lighting, and all …
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