| So, kids can teach adults stuff irl....Do we agree? Then why the hell can you be too advanced to learn a skill ever …
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| Remove them. Make every namekian have regeneration and have heal be a rare thing. There is no reason to go with a …
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| Very simple suggestion, Diving the rating gained by like 1,000 but multiply its effects by 1,000. This way if you had …
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| So at the end of every wipe the top 3 most memorable characters should get a golden statue in their honor placed into a …
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| Quick and simple: Make it so kids and teens do not gain any less than adults. On the other hand, make it so babies gain …
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| tldr: Make a mode for limb injury/tearing that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to kill someone
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| Tuffles, Aliens, maybe makyos? These races that have random chances to spawn on any planet should just have the option …
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| Before this is started I will explain that this is NOT gpg, the main problem with gpg was everyone gained at the same …
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| Quoted straight from Hobbit in the discord. for those who are not in it. This will serve as the basics for now …
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| DBG had one, it's only proper if Genesis does too. Post whatever here to pass the time as the Genesis server is down …
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| I'll keep it quick and short since I've already explained it in the discord server somewhat. Demons Skills: Soul …
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