
Joined: Jun 26 2006

Just a girl

Medals SakuraHarunoRocks can earn in her favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]



You helped squash bugs in alpha.
All by Myself

As Rogue, win a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, help save a Ninja target. (Unimplemented)
A Win is a Win

You should be ashamed, Bodyguard. (Unimplemented)
Good Judgment

As Judge, win a match by ruling against a villain. (Unimplemented)
Poor Judgment

As Judge, rule against an innocent over a villain. (Unimplemented)
Not So Crazy, After All

As Psycho, kill at least two villains in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Still a Killer

As Agent, trick the FBI into killing two innocents in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Serial Killer

In a single match, kill at least 5 players. (Unimplemented)
See It All Go Down

As Detective, be the last one standing in a 6+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Alone in the Dark

As Ninja, win a 10+ player match as the only surviving Mafia member. (Unimplemented)
First, Do No Karma

As Doctor, survive a 10+ player match by only saving yourself. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, save 5+ other players in a single match. (Unimplemented)
I Am the Law

As Deputy, win a 10+ player match while always arresting villains. (Unimplemented)
We All Deserve to Die

Play a 6+ killers-only match in which everyone dies. (Unimplemented)
All for Naught

As Bodyguard, save an innocent who is then immediately voted out. (Unimplemented)
THAT'S What We Pay You For

As Senator, cast the deciding vote against two villains in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

As Police, successfully investigate every villain in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As non-Medical staff, survive a 10+ player match while being unnecessarily saved 3+ times. (Unimplemented)
Guardian Angel

As Bodyguard, survive a 10+ player match while only protecting innocents. (Unimplemented)
Leading the Witness

As Godfather, fool the Witness and Medical Staff twice in one match. (Unimplemented)
Just Being Petty

Get revenge on your previous killer in the first round. (Unimplemented)
What's up, Doc?

In 6+ player matches, die in the first round, three times in a row. (Unimplemented)
I'm Helping!

As Citizen, vote for a villain in every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Witness, experience a quiet night for every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Didn't See That One Coming

As Witness, die immediately after witnessing another target. (Unimplemented)

Murder Mansion

DeathMatch Win

Win a round of DeathMatch Mode against at least 1 human opponent

Clue Win

Win a round of Clue Mode against at least 1 human opponent

Escape Win

Win a round of Escape Mode against at least 1 human opponent

CaptureTheFiles Win

Win a round of CaptureTheFiles Mode against at least 1 human opponent.

Werewolf Win

Win a round of Werewolf Mode against at least 1 human opponent.

Vendetta Win

Win a round of Vendetta Mode against at least 1 human opponent.


Earned when Hosted Games count/score reaches 50. (Points are only earned for this if at least 1 other player joins your server and at least 1 round is played through.)

Bot Beater

Win any mode with no other human players, and at least 5 AI players.

Sunday The 19th

Guitar hero

Rock your cane in front of an audience of minimum 5 players.

Fast like Flash

Click a bullet.

't Is but a flesh wound

Win any round with no arms and no legs.

He should call himself "Ass-kicked"

Be on fire, bleeding and poisoned simultaneously.


Get decapitated by a purple lightsaber.

I am the Governator

Kill 5 people (no teamkills).

Mark of the Brotherhood

Survive a round of Gladiator from start to end with at least 5 competitors for the title.

Making the best out of it

Kill someone with your own limb.

Master of magnetism

Suck 5 people into your Proton Pack.

Fire Marshal Bill

Put 3 people out with the Fire Extinguisher.

He who must not be named

Kill someone with the Avada Kedavra spell.

I wanna play a game ...

Be the only one of at least 5 to survive a round of saw.

Give me a scotch. I'm starving

Combine a bottle of alcohol with Iron Man's arm.


Kill someone with spiked knuckles.

Raise some shell!

Kill someone with a bostaff.

Let's get dangerous

Duct tape all 4 limbs back on in one session.

Why so serious?

Kill someone with laughter.

Bat Breaker

Kill someone wearing the Batman mask while using a Venom Shot.
The Cake Is A Lie


Sunday The 19th

Log in on a Sunday the 19th.

Kill the person you're impersonating.

Kill someone with Wolverine's Claw.

One Armed Bandit

Kill someone with Mr Hammer's Hammer while only having one arm of yourself.
Lord Of The Ring

Kill the person who has the one ring while he's invisible.
It's a-me: Mario!

Fill your belly on a maximum of magic mushrooms.