
Joined: Jul 4 2010


Oct 7 2013, 2:28 pm
What happened to PTC?
Mar 21 2013, 2:09 pm
I might recreate so be on the lookout for a new Fighting GL.
Mar 9 2013, 6:37 pm
hey man can u un bann me im really sorry

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Medals SadisticChaos has earned in his favorite games

[Any games] [Medals left to earn]

Tales of Judgement R

{Old} Beta Tester

Play The Game While in Beta Testing {Old}

Earned on Nov 9 2013, 7:44 pm


A Miner Adventure

It Happens to Everyone (part 4)

Drowned. It really does happen to everyone.

Earned on Oct 15 2011, 12:50 pm

It Happens to Everyone (part 2)

Die in a bomb's explosion.

Earned on Oct 15 2011, 12:59 pm

Water Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Water Mode.

Earned on Oct 15 2011, 1:06 pm

It Happens to Everyone (part 3)

Killed by an alien.

Earned on Oct 15 2011, 1:12 pm

Low Roller ($1000)

Earn a total of $1000 in career mode.

Earned on May 16 2012, 6:40 pm

Rescue Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Rescue Mode.

Earned on May 16 2012, 6:59 pm