
Joined: Apr 25 2010


Aug 10 2012, 12:26 pm
You still play? What's going on with Pokemon Bayshue? I helped Gogeta with pokemon from the start...

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S3an's Favorite Games

Coming this soon. http://www.byond.com/games/Zagros5000/BleachSoulWars
by Sennalove | Apr 10 2016
Roleplay World - RPVP
New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period!
by Wanabe | Jul 9 2006
Chaotic zombie shooting action game.
by NImetz | Dec 18 2010
First Bleach game...please support and help it too grow more
by Gluscap Games | Oct 7 2014
Tags: scifi
New original sandbox roleplaying game, join a server or host your own.
A shell server (hosting service) for all of BYOND to use!
by Gold Dean | Aug 30 2005
The Original Chao-Themed Icon Chatting Game, nine years running! Come join the fun! Updated December 10th, 2013!
An Original Ninja Game with Roleplay/ PVP Qualities. Create. Enjoy.
by Koir0 | May 27 2010
A DBZ roleplay for people who love the show and want to live the life of someone in the DBZ Universe.
A promising MOG (Multiplayer Online Game) based off of the Dragonball franchise! IN EARLY ALPHA!
The original game, made years ago by Mystical_Light. Open source!
Discontinued game(Still downloadable). Sorry, I won't be giving out the source. You should already know the reason ...
by Shaoni | Sep 27 2010
Dragonball Z: Light Topaz is one of the fastest training DBZ games on BYOND! Adding new races with every update, we have ...
by Jjs3 jamie | Apr 8 2007
DBZ SR Fun For Everyone And Friends New And Improved
by LostRealm | Oct 4 2003
Tags: rpg
An RPG system in early development stages.
It's time to Duel!
by Kajika | Oct 6 2003
An online version of the Trading Card Game.
by Seventh | Mar 24 2012
A Ninja Roleplay Game
by Dark0rock | Nov 20 2010
Welcome to FFU, this is a Roleplaying game, you don't have to RP if you don't want to, just makes things funner. We are ...
by Falacy | Jul 3 2011
Join HU on Discord @ https://discord.gg/qzwzKPV
by Kayaba | May 5 2016
Tags: action, adventure, pvp
Come to unleash your aura and hunt fun or foes.
by Falacy | May 15 2010
Tags: icons
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
by Ocosu | Apr 21 2017
A role playing game based in a shinobi universe!
by Pixel Realms | Aug 12 2017
A persistent sandbox fantasy world. https://discord.gg/meranthe
by Devourer Of Souls | Dec 2 2007
Tags: anime
Anime, horror, survival, mystery, murder, intrigue! All rolled into one little school. Ain't it fun?
The Original NNG
Roleplaying game under updates
by Silk Games | Apr 16 2009
A unique MORPG inspired by the gameplay of classic console RPGs
by Flame48 | Jun 21 2010
A new Pokemon game in the making!
by Enic | Dec 24 2009
A world where only Eevees and Eeveelutions exist
by Imzco | Jul 13 2011
Tags: fangame
A remake of an old Pokemon game. Play as a young boy named Aiden as he travels a region filled with Pokemon from almost ...
by Jimmy889 | Jun 1 2010
New Pokémon game,coming soon.
Pokémon how it was meant to be.
DS-style turn-based battle system
Wisteria is a Roleplay Driven Online game that happens 30 years before Red's adventure, be part of the creation of the ...
by Crandal | Jul 15 2008
This game is currently unfinished. But you are welcome to join it if it is being hosted. {ROLEPLAY ENFORCED}
by Reno Kujika | Jul 13 2008
v1.5.1 Looking for dedicated members to be apart of the Developer's Team. We need iconners, mappers, graphic visuals, ...
by Choryong | Sep 24 2009
Tags: fangame
Version 2.0! Many new additions on the way! Soon to become an original pokemon game! It's unlike these other ...
See The World Of Pokemon
by Bayshue_Staff | Dec 18 2008
The one and only original Pokemon Bayshue returns with a massive update, making it one of the most complete and greatest ...
by Gogeta_00 | Jun 26 2008
Pokémon Bayshue, A retro-esque Pokemon RPG strongly inspired by the classics
by ShadowX666 | Jul 4 2010
one of few games to include 5th generation pokemon
Picking up where i left off
by S3an | Oct 25 2010
Come play pokemon with us,(May turn into RP soon =D)
by Polatrite | May 18 2009
Tags: fangame
Pokemon with a new twist! Use your team of Pokemon to fight back wild Pokemon and conquer the Badge Challenges to become ...
A Fun Pokemon Game,(In need of a 24/7 Host!)
by Aaronland | Mar 29 2008
Tags: anime, fangame
Join the world of Pokemon Dark Red. Catch, Train, Battle.
by Camerongray | Oct 19 2009
by Masterdelta4 | Sep 6 2008
A great game meant for all ages young or old. Come on in have fun and relax. Its back and online again. Looking for good ...
A game waiting for you ....
by ZMD Productions | Dec 12 2009
Currently in Beta stages of development, join ZMD Production's guild for more updates.
by Jokerta | Feb 14 2007
Need Host!
by Darkwanderer25 | Sep 17 2008
A Pokemon RPG for the Laokia Region (a Pokemon RP site).
by Luis455 | Dec 23 2015
Tags: adventure, anime, pvp, rpg
A Fan-Made Pokemon Game
by Dark0zone | Jul 27 2008
Great fun game for chatting while playing with your fave pokemon! Need Hoster, offer inside!
Play as a Pokemon while you Farm, Build, and Dungeoneer
by Never die alone | Sep 2 2005
Pokemon Piko more detail inside
by Reldnahc96 | Nov 26 2009
Some Tales are Told But Soon Forgotten....But Legends Are Forever....
A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Style Game
by Mitz001 | Mar 15 2014
Tags: adventure, anime, pvp, rpg
Real-time Pokemon battle sim and features the most up-to-date roster you can play on the platform!
by Darkness59 | Apr 22 2010
Welcome to PSD! Join us, where you can take gym challenges, capture, train, and trade your pokemon, we will even add ...
by Swift_falcon240 | Dec 23 2008
Pokemon Spirt- Game Pretty much dead... Working on a new game!Pokemon Renewed From Dust! =D Link on Hub page..
Join in on the exciting adventure that awaits you and discover a pokemon game like no other on byond!
A game im working on here and there.
by DarrylX | Feb 28 2009
Pokemon game like no other.
by Kunark | Jul 10 2003
Tags: cards, casual, classic
Poker at it's greatest: Texas Hold'em! Tons of fun for up to 8 players... The more, the better!
A multiplayer roleplaying game involving catchable pocket monsters!
by Zete | Sep 11 2009
Tags: fangame
An Online Turn-Based Strategy RPG - Play as a Team!
by Unknown Person | Sep 4 2005
A simple engine on how BYOND can handle a pseudo 3D environment. Now with textures, and floor-casting.

S3an's Favorite Resources

by DarkBelthazor | Jan 6 2008
Tags: math
A library of basic math procs BYOND left out :P
by Shadowdarke | Dec 18 2006
Tags: multitile
Easy and flexible multi-tile atoms
by PBYOND | Sep 7 2003
BYONDNet - Download the sourcecode for your own ingame internet!
A game for the 8k contest.
by DarkView | Apr 15 2005
Tags: effects
A basic spell casting system.
by A Magical Cookie | Aug 12 2006
This a game for my only use but feel free to join
by Chansey913 | Aug 14 2004
Tags: source
A game that can be fun to play. This demo also comes with the source code.
by Air Mapster | Nov 26 2002
Tags: contest, source
Source code for Draggin' Ballz 4k
by Ziptron | Aug 31 2006
Complete and advanced game source code that can be run as is.
by GohanXII | Dec 5 2002
Ever wanted to make u own FF game well u can make ur own with this source code
by Jinjo21 | Jan 2 2003
A first person type - shooter with source code included
by Grei | Oct 19 2003
Tags: source
Abandonware - Free source of a basic Team vs. Team style game
by Stephen_71 | Jan 12 2006
Gm code it has to be modified though to your map
by Shinguku | Jul 25 2003
A useful, and good guild code!
by Jokerta | Feb 17 2007
My host files
by Agrey123 | Dec 30 2009
Tags: hud
How to make huds appear on the screen with barley any lines at all!(FOR BEGINNERS)
by Jotdaniel | Mar 31 2003
Tags: source
Source code to my 3d maze.
by Govegtos | Jul 1 2005
Get the orginal Majins and Mystic Source code here
by Thomas41546 | Mar 23 2004
A very simple but well made 6-49 lotto generator!(source code)
by Curzon | Oct 4 2005
Tags: effects
Star Code For a GTA style game it adds stars to your clients screen as ur wanted levels increse
by Avatar902 | Jul 18 2009
have fun
by Gughunter | Sep 3 2003
Tags: source
An original dice game with an emphasis on bluffing.
The most advanced racing game engine on BYOND... The source.
by Galick2 | May 22 2007
Here's the source to Role Play Online
by Lummox JR | Jul 20 2005
Tags: contest, source
The source code to a tiny little RPG
by Lummox JR | Jul 8 2009
Tags: hud, interface
See how to use BYOND's multiple HUD feature
by Flame48 | May 28 2009
Tags: interface
Make inputs and alerts using a skin file.
by Nano 228 | Nov 18 2007
The Most Handed Out Source there is.
The Source To My Game. Contains Good Features But I Never Fixed Them. Very Good For An INtermidiate Coder. I couldn't ...
by Unknown Person | Dec 8 2005
Tags: stats
A simple demo that shows you how to let the user pick their stats by using credits.
Ever wanted a mud-styled chat and color system? ever wanted to have different colors in your chat without having to type ...
The source code for "The Quest For The Code".
by Flame48 | Aug 9 2009
Tags: standings
Make random tournament brackets by just typing in the names of all players and clicking 1 button.
by Gughunter | Apr 28 2008
Tags: maps
Another way to create random maps.
by Tokai | Feb 17 2007
Fighting people online and showing massively powerful jutsu's. Come on, isn't what it's all about people? Join Will of ...
by GhostAnime | Oct 15 2008
A simple quest system through XML
by mystX | Dec 23 2001
The source to XTheMas
by Dantom | Dec 8 2000
Tags: beginner, source
A simple project to get you started.
by Crispy | Feb 23 2004
Tags: source
Full source code for the adventure game "Your Money or Your Life".
by YungZeus | Aug 29 2006
Learn to make games in minutes! this demo explains in detail the main functions of byond.
by YungZeus | Aug 29 2006
Free Monster icons! not your tipical rpg-looking icons. These monsters will make any game look more proffesional!
The source for my Zelda Online Advance Game.
by Link64 | Aug 7 2004
by Alatar | May 10 2003
Download Zeta 2s source code.

S3an's Favorite People