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| Help, I'm from the future and your archaic IDE is killing meee!
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| I keep coming back here to see if there's any new information or screenshots. There never is. People like u r why trump …
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| The salt mine is still open for business it seems. Randomly ran into him on Rustopia.
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| Has anyone else had the pleasure of trying this yet? If you haven't, and you own a PS4, and you're a fan of …
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| You're separating client and server fps soon, along with that could we please get something that would allow us to grab …
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| Maybe this is more of an inquiry on why it's like this, but I see no reason why screen_loc should be defined under …
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| Apparently the hot topic of 2015...
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| Today is my birthday. I just turned 22. I don't care how old you are, I'm officially an old man.
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| #1: Lummox in the Skype group chat
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| At the moment you can only get things like the mouses location or pixel location via a push from the mouse procs. It …
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| Hit me up wit dem t00nz boy.
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| Once the webclient is considered stable, finished, and out of beta, perhaps we could get a much needed Dream Maker …
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| After this post/thread, I figured I might as well make it an actual feature request. The ability to define when step_to …
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| This is a dream feature, and doesn't in any way cause any real advantage to BYOND, but I do know of a few people who'd …
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| I can only assume there's a reason why this doesn't already exist, so I'll throw a probe out and see what our lord and …
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| I don't care, if it's its own god damn proc, but PLEASE allow us to detect when we're moving the mouse whilst holding …
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| It would be nice if we could have some compiler flag to hide things from the object tree. Sometimes there are things …
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| Fairly simple seeming request, probably impossible in the backend. FPS is supposed to be a multiple or divisor of your …
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| It would be wonderful if we could have a refcount(var/datum/D) proc, used primarily for debugging, which would …
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| So I googled Dantom DUNG to find the creation-ish date of BYOND I ended up down this rabbit hole, which someone has …
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| Just a small guide for helping you sell and purchase pixel art!
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| I'm so happy godbless, it was a dark time. Thx dingus
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| Let's settle this once and for all. How do you pronounce BYOND.
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| Many upload sites (Ahem, Imgur) convert large gifs to webms by default. This thread here touched on the subject, but I …
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| Really not sure on the feasibility of this, and animate() isn't precisely what I meant, but the ability to, again I …
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| This feature would be an absolute GODSEND. The ability to drag and drop from windows explorer into the IDE file tree …
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| The amount of times I see Lummox struggling to help people understand how to attach a debugger makes me very sad. There …
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| At the moment your choices are: BYOND membership, donate. I've already got a membership for plenty of time, as do my …
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| The "Show all files" checkbox doesn't show empty folders. I'm the kinda guy that likes to create a whole bunch of …
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Apr 14 2020, 4:10 pm
10 years strong!