
Joined: May 13 2006

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Hi (:


Mar 19 2020, 4:56 am
Hey man I was Kenshin on your old Legends reborn game, great times! Thanks for all the hard work seems the resident evil game did well, not sure if you ever check this was just reminiscing about the old days and found this and figured I would say thanks! Hope you see this and if you do I hope you are well!
Nov 22 2012, 8:28 pm
Hey man, I got your original source to DBZ Legends Reborn. I need one little bit of help with the admin coding, could you email ([email protected]) me, and tell what I have to do? I'm not ripping the game, I have an idea to use the advanced coding to mix it up and make something new, just the admin codes are the only thing stopping me from going forward with my idea's.

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Medals Ruben7 can earn in his favorite games, and all games in which Ruben7 has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]

Resident Evil

Over 5000

Kill a total of 5000 zombies.


Heal a total of 250 teammates.
Cure a total of 150 teammates.

Boom Headshot

Get a total of 1000 headshots.


Kill a total of 500 humans, while playing as a zombie.

On Duty

Play a total of 50 full matches.

The Professional

Get at least 250 kills with pistols, in a single match.

Eagle Eye

Get 75 headshots with sniper rifles, in a single match.

Hot Dog

Burn to death a total of 100 dogs.


Dismember a total of 1000 arms and legs off zombies.


While in a vehicle, run over and kill, a total of 3000 zombies.

Assault Specialist I

Get a total of 1000 kills using assault rifle weapons.

Assault Specialist II

Get a total of 1750 kills using assault rifle weapons.

Assault Specialist III

Get a total of 2500 kills using assault rifle weapons.

Sniper Specialist I

Get a total of 750 kills using sniper rifle weapons.

Sniper Specialist II

Get a total of 1250 kills using sniper rifle weapons.

Sniper Specialist III

Get a total of 1750 kills using sniper rifle weapons.

CQC Specialist I

Get a total of 250 melee kills.

CQC Specialist II

Get a total of 500 melee kills.

CQC Specialist III

Get a total of 1000 melee kills.

Explosives Specialist I

Get a total of 1000 kills using explosive weapons.

Explosives Specialist II

Get a total of 1500 kills using explosive weapons.

Explosives Specialist III

Get a total of 2000 kills using explosive weapons.


Burn to death a total of 500 zombies.

Just Making Sure

Blow off a total of 100 dead zombie heads.


Kill 30 zombies within 10 seconds.

Can't Bite This

Play a full match over 5 minutes, as a survivor, without losing health.

Jail Em!

Honorable Officer

Arrest 4 criminals in a single round.

Arrest 8 criminals in a single round.

Successfully tase criminals 10 times in a round.

Successfully hit criminals with a baton 20 times in a round.
Why You Trippin?

Successfully trip 4 officers with a cup of spilt water in a round.

Successfully trip 8 officers with a cup of spilt water in a round.
Escape Artist

Successfully escape jail 3 times in a round.
I'm An Instigator

Successfully push an officer 15 times in a round.
Riot, Anyone?

Successfully hit officers with your fists 10 times in a round.

A Miner Adventure

Rescue Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Rescue Mode.

Rescue Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Rescue Mode.

Rescue Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Rescue Mode

Rescue Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Rescue Mode.

Water Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Water Mode.

Water Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Water Mode.

Water Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Water Mode.

Water Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Water Mode.

It Happens to Everyone (part 2)

Die in a bomb's explosion.

Quick Rescue

Win a Rescue Mode game in one minute or less.

Hidden Gem #1

Found the first hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #2

Found the second hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #3

Found the third hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #4

Found the fourth hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Hidden Gem #5

Found the fifth hidden gem in Adventure Mode.

Underground Adventurer

Completed Adventure Mode (single player, no helpers!)

Low Roller ($1000)

Earn a total of $1000 in career mode.

Medium Roller ($2500)

Earn a total of $2500 in career mode.

High Roller ($7500)

Earn a total of $7500 in career mode.

Highest Roller ($15000)

Earn a total of $15,000 in career mode.

Survival Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (3 wins)

Win three games of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (5 wins)

Win five games of Survival Mode.

Survival Mode (10 wins)

Win ten games of Survival Mode.


Double Kill

Kill 2 enemies in quick succession.

Triple Kill

Kill 3 enemies in quick succession.

Ultra Kill

Kill 4 enemies in quick succession.


Kill 5 enemies without dying.


Kill 10 enemies without dying.

Master of Massacre

Kill 15 enemies without dying.


Win 50 online matches.


Win 100 online matches.

Flag Savior

Return your flag 5 times in one session.

Flag Thief

Capture the enemy flag 5 times in one session.


Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion.


Cause 25 enemies to bleed to death in one session.


Kill 15 people from the grave in one session.


Kill 15 enemies with a headshot in one session.


An Hero

Have Fred quit life 200 times in total.


Donate and gain access to Premium features.

Man In The Mirror

See yourself in one of the 3 recent subscriber photos.

What is this I don't even

Access the Premium area (Premium)

Oh Noez I Fell

Falling on the ice made you kill yourself? (Premium)

This.. is.. RAGE!

Fall down a giant hole (Premium)

Extra Crispy

Learn about fire

Mail Time!

When it comes I wanna wail!

Teh Blobz


Beat Level 1

Phlegm Me

Beat Level 2

Graduate of Robotics

Beat Level 3

Twins Fan

Beat Level 4.
Ice, Ice, Blobby

Beat Level 5.
Necro Police

Beat Level 6.

Beat Level 7.
They Called me Crazy

Beat Level 8.


Speak with all of the strange statues.

Blob Marley

Contract a terminal illness and refuse to have it treated.

Blob Dole

Bob Dole thinks Bob Dole should have this medal.

Kill It With Science

Die at relativistic speeds.

Pokemon Challenger

Insect Badge

Award for completing the first badge challenge!
Gaia Badge

Award for completing the second badge challenge!
Spook Badge

Award for completing the third badge challenge!
Alloy Badge

Award for completing the fourth badge challenge!
Frost Badge

Award for completing the fifth badge challenge!
Melee Badge

Award for completing the sixth badge challenge!
Shadow Badge

Award for completing the seventh badge challenge!
Miracle Badge

Award for completing the eighth badge challenge!
Elite Certificate

Award for defeating the Elite Four in combat.
Champion Trophy

Proof of complete Pokemon mastery.
Wave Adept

Defeated 50 waves in any mode
Wave Professional

Defeated 75 waves in any mode
Wave Master

Defeated 100 waves in any mode
Solo Adept

Defeated 50 waves in single-player
Solo Professional

Defeated 75 waves in single-player
Solo Master

Defeated 100 waves in single-player
Minor Invincibility

Defeated 20 waves with no fainting
Major invincibility

Defeated 30 waves with no fainting

Defeated 100 waves with no fainting

Earn 3 million lifetime experience

Earn 10 million lifetime experience

Earn 20 million lifetime experience

Earn 30 million lifetime experience (coming soon!)

Earn 40 million lifetime experience (coming soon!)

Earn 50 million lifetime experience (coming soon!)
Adventurer Lite

Seen 75 species of Pokemon
Around the Block

Seen 110 species of Pokemon
National Dex

Seen 150 species of Pokemon
Budding Scholar

Seen 200 species of Pokemon
Trainer Lite

Caught 50 species of Pokemon (coming soon!)
Skilled Trainer

Caught 100 species of Pokemon (coming soon!)
National Trainer

Caught 150 species of Pokemon (coming soon!)


Dodged the bullet

Survive 25 stages


Survive 50 stages of hell