
Joined: Oct 14 2011


Dec 30 2012, 11:43 am
por que cerraron wwa
Dec 15 2012, 8:20 pm
Con eso de que el juego casi no esta online es un problema, te recomiendo bleach las noches cuando lo entiendes es muy divertido
Dec 9 2012, 7:18 pm
ademas yo por que no se hostear ni nada de eso pero si alguien me enseńara yo lo podria mantener abierto desde las 10 am a 2 am como minimo
Dec 9 2012, 6:19 pm
ok amigo te comprendo espero que el creador del juego se de cuenta de lo que dices mantenerlo mas online haria tener mas jugadores y eso seria mejor yo digo
Dec 9 2012, 2:12 pm
A mi tampoco me gusta que el servidor este tanto tiempo fuera, el juego tendria +30 jugadores por dia si lo mantuvieran en linea mas tiempo.

No me importaria ser le host y gm pero quien decido eso es critic el creador del juego, y yo no podria hostear 24/7 seria de 2 30 pm a 12 am, ademas de que no se si por mi computadora e internet el juego vaya lento si yo lo hosteo, osea que haiga lag o no pues nunca he hosteado un juego eso tendria que decirlo critic

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Medals Rodoux can earn in his favorite games

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New Era: Worst Generation

Devil Fruit User!

Obtained when you eat an devil fruit(human only)!


Obtained when you eat an energy steroid(fisherman only)!


Obtained when you create a cyborg!

Pokémon Online World


Have at least 10 hours of play time.


Have at least 100 battles in a forest.

School Kid

Have at least 25 battles indoors.


Have at least 25 battles on sand.

Bug Catcher

(Male-only) Have at least 15 different Bug-type species caught in the Pokédex.

Aroma Lady

(Female-only) Have at least 20 different Grass-type species caught in the Pokédex.


(Male-only) Have a combination of at least 10 different Ground-only, Rock-only or Ground/Rock-type species caught in the Pokédex.

Poke Kid

(Female-only) Have Pikachu and Pichu caught in the Pokédex.

Rich Boy/Lady

Have at least 10,000 money.


Get at least 5 medals.


Get at least 20 medals.


Have at least 100 battles in routes or outside towns.


Walk at least 10,000 steps out of the tall grass.


(Male-only) Walk at least 30,000 steps out of the tall grass.
Pokemon Ranger

Walk a total of at least 200,000 steps.

Black Belt/Battle Girl

Attain at least 10 PVP wins.


Have at least 25 battles on snow.

Bird Keeper

Have at least 10 different Normal/Flying-type species caught in the Pokédex.


(Male-only) Have at least 10 Premier Balls in your bag.
Pokemon Breeder

Have at least 100 Pokémon at the lowest stage of evolution caught in the Pokédex.

Have a total of at least 150 Pokémon caught in the Pokédex or catch every form of Unown.


Have at least 15 different Psychic-type species caught in the Pokédex.


Have at least 7 different Ghost-type species caught in the Pokédex.


(Male-only) Have the Sage/Medium medal and at least 100 hours of play time.

Ace Trainer

Achieve at least PVP level 10.


(Male-only) Have at least 50 PVP battles.


It's your turn to shine! Catch 1 shiny Pokémon and unlock either the (male-only) Policeman or (female-only) Kimono Girl.


Have at least 1,000,000 money to unlock either the (male-only) Burglar or (female-only) Idol.

Rocket Grunt

Achieve Spookiness Level 7 during the Halloween event.


(Male-only) Hyperactive, excited, and impatient, he is always ready for a battle.

Wormadam girl


(Male-only) Wise, collected, and powerful, he is a talented Pokémon Trainer.


(Female-only) Quiet, kind, and aloof, she is a skilled Pokémon Trainer.


Johto kids.

Sinnoh kids.


(Male-only) Serious and confident, he has a dark past, but is changing his ways to become the best Pokémon Trainer he can be.


(Male-only) The master of Kanto, he is unrivaled in skill.

Hive Badge

Badge obtained for defeating the Bug-type Gym Leader, Aaron!

Fairy Tail: Old

The Golden Bass Trophy

Now, Dont be a Bass about it

Bleach: World-Wide Adventures

Level Cap

You have reached level 1,000

Death of Humanity

You have killed all of the Karakura Town Heroes

Instinct Over Thought

You killed 50 Vasto in the Vasto Horde

Mirror Mirror

You have won the Reigai Event 20 times

Relentless Ordeal

You have won the Battle Royale 5 times

Sado Immunity

You have survived La Muerte 100 times

A New Hero

You have killed 10,000 Hollows

Fall of Seireitei

You have killed 500 Shinigamis

Vaizard Executer

You have killed 1,000 Lost Vaizards

That's It

You have killed 1,000 Final Shinigamis

Minute-Made Assassin

You have killed 100 players

Dog of Authority

You have killed 10 Minute-Made Assassins

Truly an Unstoppable Being

You have killed Vasto Ichigo 10 times
Shunpo Master

15,000 Flash Step Uses
Treasure Map

Loot 150 chests

Steal The Charge From Either Lab And Make It Back 10 Times

Fail To Get Your Charge To The Lab
Almost There...

Die With a Fueled Charge