
Joined: Apr 27 2003

Adam Turner, Writer, Programmer, Professional Goat Herder


May 9 2018, 6:56 pm
Hey lobject, this is the first time I've logged in in like 10 years I think, so I just saw this message from you a couple years ago. Anywho, if you need help with anything I have out there let me know! Glad that my xbox 360 controller library still works.
Aug 11 2016, 9:11 pm
Well, nevermind. I found out the issue after posting. The controller loop is set to update every 1 frame, so it's not fast enough. Setting it to loop with a 0.1 frame delay, it worked perfectly.
Aug 11 2016, 9:10 pm
Hey, I have a weird glitch when using R_Controller. I've parsed the Left Stick Y-Axis and converted to a numerical percentage. When the percentage is above 25 (25% deadzone when testing), it calls client.North(). However, calling client.North() with a gamepad is slower than calling client.North() via button on the keyboard. It seems like it's actually not updating quick enough as it stutters. Why is this?

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Rockinawsome's Favorite Games

by Abra | May 23 2004
Tags: defense
They are coming.......Defend yourself
by Leftley | Oct 30 2002
Tags: action, scifi
by LostRealm | Oct 17 2002
Tags: casual
Get rid of the Mafia before the Mafia gets rid of you.
by Rockinawsome | Oct 4 2005
Tags: arcade
Test your Reaction! 9 playable levels. Simple game. Help 10 of a color reach the left side of the screen. To do this you ...
by Rockinawsome | Jun 11 2006
Tags: mud, pirates, text
A MUD featureing Pirates! What more could you want?
by Rockinawsome | Oct 31 2007
Tags: mud, pirates, text
This is the Lite version of the SevenSeas Pirate MUD, it has no graphics or weather and runs faster.
by Air Mapster | Jul 30 2001
Tags: casual, puzzle
An addictive puzzle game
by Chris Gayle | Sep 20 2011
An amazing action adventure game in a fantasy world on mystical islands
by Rockinawsome | Dec 27 2005
Tags: action, shooter
Stone Tomahawks And Silver Spurs--A great shoot em up Western!

Rockinawsome's Favorite People