Coming this soon.
All Of the Universe Have Merged. Which will stand at the top? JOIN OR DISCORD:
New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period!
Testing enter at your own risk
It's Dodgeball... or is it? There's more than just humans v.s. humans in this fun addicting game. Host files available.
Join our wonderful community!
Official Discord: -- A sandbox action RPG with lots of customization!
The ball of light has been lost. Gain power as you search for it in this large world.
An ORPG where you can: fight in a coliseum, farm, mine, fuse runes, be in a guild war, protect your village from a ...
With a Nintendo character under your control, you either run and hide from or chase your friends in many classic levels. ...
Real Time Strategy Game - Setup Troops and Protect the Gold
New Harry Potter Game soon to be the best CLOSED TESTING
Renascimento de um dos melhores RPG's sobre a saga Harry Potter.
Harry Potter Cronicas Brasil , Versão beta 0.1
From my origional account goog5 "My 1st harry potter game"
Come and join us in the Harry Potter game started in 2005, and still going strong.
The most successful Harry Potter game on BYOND
(Closed Access ATM) Submerge Yourself In An Open World Balanced Shinobi Realm! Semi Classic Game Full Of Adventure / ...
Just a mess around MJ server.
Menace's Mystic Journey Server
Original Mystic Journey. Level 200 Cap!
Highly competitive PvP and PvE stat training game.
Nova Staff e Mapas Completos. O Servidor mais completo e fiel ao anime e mangá está de volta !!!
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
Start your Ninja Journey!
"The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate." - naruto boruto
Jogo brasileiro - Favorite para receber notificacoes - Bom up
A super lit naruto team fighting game.
Naruto RPG Online 2.0 (Ninjas x COVID-19)
ONLINE (Open Beta)! Venha jogar. Acompanhe no Discord:
Awesome Updates! Great Players! Lots of Fun
Naruto: The Final Battle 3.0 Coming Soon!
Everyone has an origin, where does yours begin?
Relive nostalgic moments with catchable monsters!
Original Pokémon game in development!
Wisteria is a Roleplay Driven Online game that happens 30 years before Red's adventure, be part of the creation of the ...
v1.5.1 Looking for dedicated members to be apart of the Developer's Team. We need iconners, mappers, graphic visuals, ...
Retro PAU now being hosted!
Become a Trainer and be at the top of the game or choose to be one of the 90+ Pokemon in our maze and be the very best!
Pokemon with a new twist! Use your team of Pokemon to fight back wild Pokemon and conquer the Badge Challenges to become ...
A Pokemon that does not use the traditional battle style. Explore the new of Joleon today.
A standalone game in the Pokemon Phantom series using unique systems!
Become a Pokemon or trainer, and join our growing community!
Real-time Pokemon battle sim and features the most up-to-date roster you can play on the platform!
Its A new pokemon game Because none is too old to Play Pokemon ;D
Team up with others and take on partners for teamwork in this fast paced zombie killing spree gauranteed to satisfy that ...
Pirates! Marines, Bounty hunters?! Join the super powered adventure!
Server 90% nao rip, com INCRIVEIS NOVOS SISTEMAS! 24/7 agora!
Sword Art Online (SAO) is a game loosely based on the original light novel series.
Online role-playing game that takes place in a fantasy world.
Build Your Country, Attack your enemys
Feb 13 2016, 11:10 am