
Joined: Apr 5 2005

Creativity and Imagination

RareScar's Favorite Games

by Devourer Of Souls | Dec 2 2007
Tags: anime
Anime, horror, survival, mystery, murder, intrigue! All rolled into one little school. Ain't it fun?
by Mega fart cannon | Aug 23 2009
Venture into the world of Pokémon to travel, train, and eventually become a Champion!
by RareScar | Mar 8 2011
Collect Pokemon and level them up while conquering challenging dungeons and survival challenges. 200+ Pokemon available!
Play as a Pokemon while you Farm, Build, and Dungeoneer
by Mechanos7 | Feb 19 2011
Tags: casual
The arcade game
Guns, explosives, classes and killing zombies! https://discordapp.com/invite/wsWfM9u