| can someone post a new Discord link please?
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| If there a way to set/read tags from files?
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| Click "Race" if you are the only racer you will drive to the finish line at the top else it will ask the other racers …
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| Remember Skannerz Racerz? now it come to BYOND
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| HUB Editing page Options tab Visibility wrote: >If the "Make this game visible" box above is checked, this means you …
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| A theater to watch BYOND make movies
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| Fix, he trying to walk into a wall not the door, my bad
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| I'm going to save this to my computer to reread offline
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| Teka proc (world) Formats: Teka(key, fields) Teka(count, field) Returns: A parameter list of BYOND donation. Use …
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| The orange on orange is actually red on orange The text colors come from the circle areas
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| the article work with V93 which is why I post it
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| I'll love to have the browser run Chrome or Firefox as IE sucks
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| Ease wrote: > Tom, pretty please, if we fill the Fund-O-Meter again this month, could we have this feature as a reward? …
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| PopLava wrote: > - Project must be submitted within 24 hours of the deadline.
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| 1. ++ 2. + 4. +++ 5. + 7. ++
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| A program to make a list of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards you have
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| SuperAntx wrote: > Clearly BYOND should add support for Bitcoins. +
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| Cloud Magic wrote: > Game needs a pause button. There are way too many puzzles for me to solve at once. Maybe it could …
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| Oasiscircle wrote: > Prf X - The Maya Should be "Prf X - The Maya EotW"
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| + & add to the [Posting Guidelines] sitting under the Save/post & Preview buttons
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| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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| I'm now that I don't need to keep it 320pix
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| FUN!!! but needs health regenerate or heal items
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| Fugsnarf wrote: > What you've been saying makes me curious about my game. Did it run well? That wasn't even something I …
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