| Call me an idealist and xkcd a realist.
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| A trade secret is necessarily something kept secret. Both having an independent knowledge of this algorithm and them …
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| Jayz420maskoff wrote: > So when is Byond going open source? Really taking your time. Generally speaking, when you have …
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| Ss4gogeta0 wrote: > (was banned as a meme) If the meme was "you deserved to be banned" then this is true, and only then …
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| Doohl wrote: > and then he goes on for four more paragraphs Imagine how much longer it could have gone in for
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| If you tried any harder at being a troll I might have put effort into a metaphor.
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| Doohl wrote: > Remember Duelmaster409? That's me. Lmao, I had no idea
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| Bob Cool wrote: > Space Station 13 is pretty much the only reason Byond has players. I recommend doing something with …
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| Obscolene wrote: > Fuck off Higoten. You've been making me think I have friends for years. With that attitude I can …
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| Orange55 wrote: > yes. As long as you know your poll data is completely meaningless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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| Oh look it's this thread again
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| Avidanimefan wrote: > This is 1000% proven, 1000% legal, and any argument you could mount against this is proven null …
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| You clearly do not understand what is being said to you. Would you like me to formally prove to you that parallel lines …
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| BYOND seems to have trouble reaching its monthly goals, which IIRC total about $60k/year. How the fuck would this be …
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| That depends entirely on the agreement you would have with the license holder, but it's a moot point because for an IP …
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| Onikitsu wrote: > Where my free love at? In the 60s and 70s, after practical hormonal birth control but before the AIDS …
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| Tens of DU wrote: > Just one example of so many problems on BYOND that an overwhelming amount of the players get …
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| // This is an implementation of the MT19937 algorithm, which produces uniformly-distributed 32 bit // integers. These …
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| XSky RiderX wrote: > Temporary solution is to just include site:byond.com in Google followed by keywords from your …
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| Spunky_Girl wrote: > Don't you mean 2018 years? Yes, the Old Testament—written by the Hebrew people—states that the …
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| A license is basically just a notice that also constitutes a contract, between your and the party using your software …
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| Minor version update that includes a few bug fixes and a few new/additional features.
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| This may not be necessary to implement in hard code, as just tonight I was able to get a native implementation of …
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| Thanks! I hope you find it helpful.
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| Man, I've only seen you say a few things in here but you love to state your opinion as fact
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| I love that after being told repeatedly, this dude still can't figure out it's libel, not slander. The only condolences …
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| Manio wrote: > Never stick your wiener in a blender. As a corollary, for sanitary purpose you should never stick your …
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| What possible benefit does this have other than trivia?
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| Optimumtact wrote: > equality and equivalence are two related but very different concepts Not really... Equality is …
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| Endersoner wrote: > Last time i saw, a game called DU got sued for a WORD, so I don't believe that. Unless they updated …
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| Oscuro Cosmo wrote: > Dubious Game Studios wrote: > > *ignores the universal fact of "stolen codebase"* > > Dubious …
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| I'm bumping this because it's a good suggestion. I imagine that exactly zero games or libraries will have problems with …
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| I have no idea what your... uh, colleague told you or what you're trying to say, but copyright infringement is a …
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| Overall, this is a fairly minor set of changes. They've been sitting on my PC for more than a year, so a few days ago I …
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