| Windows 10 workaround: 1. Open your project 2. Right-click on the application on the taskbar 3. Right-click on "Dream …
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| I remember a while back that someone had been compiling BYOND code samples that mirror all the built-in functionality …
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| The new MMO Trove uses a unique plot system. When you login, you're able to find plots spread across the world. You can …
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| Awesome, got it working. I needed to install both gcc-multilib and lib32stdc++6. For future viewers: apt-get install …
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| I am looking at different ways to implement chat using the webclient, and I was wondering what fellow BYONDers were …
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| Awesome, thanks for the quick response. :)
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| This is absolutely thrilling to hear! Amazing job Tom and Lummox, I'm looking forward to trying it out this upcoming …
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| One of BYOND's most powerful features is the ability to split proc calls indiscriminately between many different …
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| The Magic Man pretty much hit the nail on the head. The problem is that modern MMOs and RPGs have turned away from …
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| The ultimate in old school hack and slash. Fast paced action combat with an extensive ability and equipment system!
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| Not sure if you're still around, but here's the answer on how to teleport in Action RPG Framework: …
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| Every game needs teleporters. They make everything better. Especially in BYOND, teleporters are among the most popular …
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| Do you remember the Charged Bolt from Diablo 2, or the Spark effect from the more recent Path of Exile? Shockbolts in …
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| Sometimes it's fun to whack a monster and send it flying across the screen. Here's some code to do just that! First, …
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| This is the kind of debate I'd want to punch somebody for in a professional setting. The fact is that it completely …
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| I'm probably putting this in the wrong forum, but I wasn't sure which forum to stick it in. I'm an ancient developer …
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| Thanks for the bug report, I'll look into this once all the servers are back online!
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| How do you get a game listed nowadays? For example, Survival: TLE is occasionally on the front page when I go to …
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| This is a basic script to enable health and mana regeneration. You can configure the % of max that it should restore, …
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| In theory you should be able to add the following code in a new file and it will override the function and allow you to …
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| I'm certainly interested in writing demos and I was going to suggest that sort of "modular" architecture as well, since …
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| Acebloke wrote: > Tom wrote: > > we're leaning towards the industry standard of 30% > > For all the awkwardness of …
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| Just thought I'd let you know that I'm basing a new project off of this library. Do you happen to know if there are any …
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| http://dev.byond.com/ developer/forum/?action=forum_index I'm not sure what I accidentally stumbled into, but I input my …
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| That's right! The Pokemon Challenger update is here!
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| SpikeNeedle wrote: > You're a faggot. > > > This is an out-of-date copy of Hood. Please upgrade to the new version. > …
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| Aliens in our town? I don't think so - the people fight back!
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| Whatever you do, don't click this link for leaked source code of all your favorite games... we don't have it! Really!
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| Radical Designs done got him a b&! Retards trolling on a personal blog. Seriously.
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| Details coming in just a moment, had a formatting issue :P
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| Mechadragon wrote: > A very detailed bug report Mechadragon, thank you so much for the fabulous bug report. I'm hard …
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| Zxcvdnm wrote: > ooh, i figured it out. it TELLS you which is a tile and which is a mine in the bottom left when you …
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| Mobius Evalon wrote: > (I'd venture component, which is the yellow/white/red connector trio). Mobius is spot-on, one …
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| It's like Minesweeper, but different!
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| I checked with her, she didn't have any useful info. Sorry. =P
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| world.tick_lag is pretty amazing. I use it in Pokemon Challenger where you can see it live in action over the network …
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| Jotdaniel is correct about modular programming. I learned how to program well myself on BYOND a long time ago, so I …
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| I play RoM on the Reni server. I'm a level 35/31 rogue/scout named Andromede, I also have a 27/21 priest/knight named …
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Feb 6 2013, 2:37 pm