
Joined: Feb 20 2008


Aug 10 2012, 10:11 pm
You mind buying me ByondMember i need it for a project
Aug 10 2012, 7:32 pm
FEN! bRO! where you been foo xD?
Temudgjin Wolfe
Jun 2 2012, 12:47 pm
Well, no offense, Deonte1000, personally, I'd tell you to fuck off too. People shouldn't get gm in a game by asking. Anyway, My real reason here is because I would like to talk to the owner, one of my friends play the game, though I am not sure what name he uses. Thanks for taking your time reading my post.

-edit just found out he uses the name 'Cerotis'
Apr 6 2011, 4:49 pm
Also can you make me a(n) Admin or something i have Exprence and i am a Good iconer but still so i van get People on so get back to me again at [email protected]
Danial 1000
Apr 1 2011, 1:32 pm
Can you host that Gamm naruto Shinobis Bond it sound bette then other ones Similar or can i be a tester to see how ir goes get back to me my Email is

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