| Well at least I got a proper response this time... I would have appreciated being treated like I was actually trying to …
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| Basik wrote: > You sir, are new to gaming. > > EDIT: And there are way more Pokemon games than Text games. > …
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| IainPeregrine wrote: > I was in your game today, seems like a couple minor changes could improve things a lot. Email …
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| Ok so I've been having the bug where you can't post anything onto your hub page, right? And as it was acting up again, …
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| Well you said it, and I said it, and who knows? Maybe some more people will say it soon. BYOND is going to turn into a …
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| Allows you to get player input on lists longer than 200 items in length (the limit of input)
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| I remember afk training used to be a big thing of Pokemon RP. So when I made Reborn, I added a little feature that …
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| Ah, that makes sense. I just didn't want to be somehow exploiting a loophole in the ranking system or whatever...
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| It seems that the whole review thing is very much hush hush... whatever that means for us.
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| I've noticed that several types of games on byond tend to get a very negative reaction from some people, even without …
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| LOL Well done! That was fantastic! XDDDD
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| lol This reminds me of a certain pokemon game where it spammed a link to the forums every 2 minutes XDDD
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| How do I tell who's a moderator on these forums? All I know is Crispy... so yeah.
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| Well, while I don't really find the idea of the prison game interesting, I would like to add that everyone has a …
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| And of course, all of this has EVERYTHING to do with a new network lol
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| I'm glad to see that other people share the same feelings as me about fan games! It's easy to call a game the best …
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| An RPG in a mecha world. Save the world... or control it!
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May 11 2024, 1:05 pm